dispaset.postprocessing package¶
dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing module¶
Set of functions useful to analyse to DispaSET output data.
@author: Sylvain Quoilin, JRC
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.Cashflows(inputs, results, unit)[source]¶
This function calculates the different cashflows (DA,2U,2D,3U,Heat,costs) for one specific unit returns: hourly cashflow
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.CostExPost(inputs, results)[source]¶
Ex post computation of the operational costs with plotting. This allows breaking down the cost into its different components and check that it matches with the objective function from the optimization.
- The cost objective function is the following:
SystemCost(i) =E= sum(u,CostFixed(u)*Committed(u,i)) +sum(u,CostStartUpH(u,i) + CostShutDownH(u,i)) +sum(u,CostRampUpH(u,i) + CostRampDownH(u,i)) +sum(u,CostVariable(u,i) * Power(u,i)) +sum(l,PriceTransmission(l,i)*Flow(l,i)) +sum(n,CostLoadShedding(n,i)*ShedLoad(n,i)) +sum(chp, CostHeatSlack(chp,i) * HeatSlack(chp,i)) +sum(p2h2, CostH2Slack(p2h2,i) * StorageSlack(p2h2,i)) +sum(chp, CostVariable(chp,i) * CHPPowerLossFactor(chp) * Heat(chp,i)) +Config(“ValueOfLostLoad”,”val”)*(sum(n,LL_MaxPower(n,i)+LL_MinPower(n,i))) +0.8*Config(“ValueOfLostLoad”,”val”)*(sum(n,LL_2U(n,i)+LL_2D(n,i)+LL_3U(n,i))) +0.7*Config(“ValueOfLostLoad”,”val”)*sum(u,LL_RampUp(u,i)+LL_RampDown(u,i)) +Config(“CostOfSpillage”,”val”)*sum(s,spillage(s,i));
- Returns:
tuple with the cost components and their cumulative sums in two dataframes.
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.aggregate_by_fuel(PowerOutput, Inputs, SpecifyFuels=None)[source]¶
This function sorts the power generation curves of the different units by technology
- Parameters:
PowerOutput – Dataframe of power generationwith units as columns and time as index
Inputs – Dispaset inputs version 2.1.1
SpecifyFuels – If not all fuels should be considered, list containing the relevant ones
- Returns PowerByFuel:
Dataframe with power generation by fuel
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.emissions(inputs, results)[source]¶
function calculates emissions for each zone returns: emissions : dataframe with summed up emissions for each zone
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.filter_by_heating_zone(HeatOutput, inputs, z_th)[source]¶
This function filters the dispaset Output Power dataframe by zone
- Parameters:
HeatOutput – Dataframe of power generationwith units as columns and time as index
inputs – Dispaset inputs version 2.1.1
z – Selected zone (e.g. ‘BE’)
- Returns Heat:
Dataframe with power generation by zone
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.filter_by_storage(PowerOutput, Inputs, StorageSubset=None)[source]¶
This function filters the power generation curves of the different storage units by storage type
- Parameters:
PowerOutput – Dataframe of power generationwith units as columns and time as index
Inputs – Dispaset inputs version 2.1.1
SpecifySubset – If not all EES storages should be considered, list containing the relevant ones
- Returns PowerByFuel:
Dataframe with power generation by fuel
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.filter_by_tech(PowerOutput, inputs, t)[source]¶
This function filters the dispaset power output dataframe by technology
- Parameters:
PowerOutput – Dataframe of power generation with units as columns and time as index
inputs – Dispaset inputs version 2.1.1
t – Selected tech (e.g. ‘HDAM’)
- Returns Power:
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.filter_by_tech_list(PowerOutput, inputs, tech)[source]¶
This function filters the dispaset power output dataframe by technology
- Parameters:
PowerOutput – Dataframe of power generation with units as columns and time as index
inputs – Dispaset inputs version 2.1.1
t – Selected tech (e.g. ‘HDAM’)
- Returns Power:
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.filter_by_zone(PowerOutput, inputs, z, thermal=None)[source]¶
This function filters the dispaset Output dataframes by zone
This function filters the dispaset Output Power dataframe by zone
- Parameters:
PowerOutput – Dataframe of power generation with units as columns and time as index
inputs – Dispaset inputs version 2.1.1
z – Selected zone (e.g. ‘BE’)
- Returns Power:
Dataframe with power generation by zone
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.get_EFOH(inputs, results)[source]¶
Function that computes the “Equivalent Full Load Operating Hours” of the Elyzers :param inputs: DispaSET inputs :param results: DispaSET results :returns EFOH: Dataframe with the EFOH of each country
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.get_from_to_flows(inputs, flows, zones, idx=None)[source]¶
Helper function for braking down flows into networkx readable format
- Parameters:
inputs – Dispa-SET inputs
flows – Flows from Dispa-SET results
zones – List of selected zones
idx – datetime index (can be a single hour or a range of hours)
- Returns:
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.get_heat_plot_data(inputs, results, z_th)[source]¶
Function that reads the results dataframe of a DispaSET simulation and extract the dispatch data specific to one zone
- Parameters:
results – Pandas dataframe with the results (output of the GdxToDataframe function)
z_th – Heating zone to be considered (e.g. ‘BE_th’)
- Returns plotdata:
Dataframe with the dispatch data storage and outflows are negative
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.get_imports(flows, z)[source]¶
Function that computes the balance of the imports/exports of a given zone
- Parameters:
flows – Pandas dataframe with the timeseries of the exchanges
z – Zone to consider
- Returns NetImports:
Scalar with the net balance over the whole time period
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.get_indicators_powerplant(inputs, results)[source]¶
Function that analyses the dispa-set results at the power plant level Computes the number of startups, the capacity factor, etc
- Parameters:
inputs – DispaSET inputs
results – DispaSET results
- Returns out:
Dataframe with the main power plants characteristics and the computed indicators
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.get_load_data(inputs, z)[source]¶
Get the load curve, the residual load curve, and the net residual load curve of a specific zone
- Parameters:
inputs – DispaSET inputs (output of the get_sim_results function)
z – Zone to consider (e.g. ‘BE’)
- Return out:
Dataframe with the following columns: Load: Load curve of the specified zone ResidualLoad: Load minus the production of variable renewable sources NetResidualLoad: Residual netted from the interconnections with neightbouring zones
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.get_net_positions(inputs, results, zones, idx)[source]¶
Helper function for calculating net positions in individual zones
- Parameters:
inputs – Dispa-SET inputs
results – Dispa-SET results
zones – List of selected zones
idx – datetime index (can be a single hour or a range of hours)
- Returns:
NetImports and Net position
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.get_plot_data(inputs, results, z)[source]¶
Function that reads the results dataframe of a DispaSET simulation and extract the dispatch data specific to one zone
- Parameters:
results – Pandas dataframe with the results (output of the GdxToDataframe function)
z – Zone to be considered (e.g. ‘BE’)
- Returns plotdata:
Dataframe with the dispatch data storage and outflows are negative
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.get_power_flow_tracing(inputs, results, idx=None, type=None)[source]¶
Up-stream and down-stream (not yet implemented) looking algorithms using Bialek’s power flow tracing method (Bialek at al. DOI: 10.1049/ip-gtd:19960461)
- Parameters:
inputs – Dispa-SET inputs
results – Dispa-SET results
idx – pandas datetime index (can be both a single and multiple time intervals)
- Returns:
NxN matrix of zones (Row -> Excess generation zones, Col -> Lack of generation)
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.get_result_analysis(inputs, results)[source]¶
Reads the DispaSET results and provides useful general information to stdout
- Parameters:
inputs – DispaSET inputs
results – DispaSET results
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.get_units_operation_cost(inputs, results)[source]¶
Function that computes the operation cost for each power unit at each instant of time from the DispaSET results Operation cost includes: CostFixed + CostStartUp + CostShutDown + CostRampUp + CostRampDown + CostVariable
- Parameters:
inputs – DispaSET inputs
results – DispaSET results
- Returns out:
Dataframe with the the power units in columns and the operation cost at each instant in rows
Main Author: @AbdullahAlawad
- dispaset.postprocessing.postprocessing.reserve_availability_demand(inputs, results)[source]¶
this function evaluates the reserve demand and availability of all units returns: hourly_availability : hourly availability over the corresponding hourly reserve demand in [%] returns: availability : the mean of hourly availability,
total hourly availability over total corresponding hourly reserve demand in [%]
returns: reserve_demand mean demand over peak load