Source code for dispaset.preprocessing.data_check

This files gathers different functions used in the DispaSET to check the input

__author__ = 'Sylvain Quoilin ('

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging
from pandas.api.types import is_numeric_dtype

from ..common import commons  # Load fuel types, technologies, timestep, etc

[docs]def isVRE(tech): """ Function that returns true the technology is a variable renewable energy technology """ return tech in commons['tech_renewables']
[docs]def isStorage(tech): """ Function that returns true the technology is a storage technology """ return tech in commons['tech_storage']
[docs]def check_AvailabilityFactors(plants, AF): """ Function that checks the validity of the provided availability factors and warns if a default value of 100% is used. """ RES = commons['tech_renewables'] for i, v in plants.iterrows(): u = v['Unit'] t = v['Technology'] if t in RES and u not in AF: logging.error('Unit ' + str(u) + ' (technology ' + t + ') does not appear in the availbilityFactors table. ' 'Please provide') raise ValueError('Please provide RES AF timeseries for ' + str(u)) if u in AF: if pd.isna(AF[u]).any(): Nna = pd.isna(AF[u]).count() logging.warning('The Availability factor of unit {} for technology {} contains {} ' 'empty values.'.format(str(u), t, Nna)) df_af = AF[u].dropna() if (df_af == 1).all(axis=None): logging.debug('The availability factor of unit ' + str(u) + ' + for technology ' + t + ' is always 100%!') if ((df_af < 0) | (df_af > 1)).any(axis=None): Nup = df_af[df_af > 1].count() Ndo = df_af[df_af < 0].count() logging.error('The Availability factor of unit {} for technology {} should be between 0 and 1. ' 'There are {} values above 1.0 and {} below 0.0'.format(str(u), t, Nup, Ndo)) else: logging.error('Unit ' + str(u) + ' (technology ' + t + ') does not appear in the availbilityFactors table. ' 'Its values will be set to 100%!')
[docs]def check_FlexibleDemand(flex): """ Function that checks the validity of the provided flexibility demand time series """ if (flex.dropna().values < 0).any(): logging.error('Some flexibility demand values are negative. They must be comprised between 0 and 1') sys.exit(1) if (flex.dropna().values > 1).any(): logging.error('Some flexibility demand values are more than 1. They must be comprised between 0 and 1') sys.exit(1)
[docs]def check_clustering(plants, plants_merged): """ Function that checks that the installed capacities are still equal after the clustering process :param plants: Non-clustered list of units :param plants_merged: clustered list of units """ # First, list all pairs of technology - fuel techs = pd.DataFrame([[plants.Technology[idx], plants.Fuel[idx]] for idx in plants.index]) techs.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) for i in techs.index: tech = (techs.loc[i, 0], techs.loc[i, 1]) units_old = plants[(plants.Technology == tech[0]) & (plants.Fuel == tech[1])] units_new = plants_merged[(plants_merged.Technology == tech[0]) & (plants_merged.Fuel == tech[1])] P_old = (units_old.PowerCapacity * units_old.Nunits).sum() P_new = (units_new.PowerCapacity * units_new.Nunits).sum() if np.abs(P_old - P_new) / (P_old + 0.0001) > 0.01: logging.error('The installed capacity for technology "' + tech[0] + '" and fuel "' + tech[1] + '" is not equal between the original units table (P = ' + str(P_old) + ') and the clustered table (P = ' + str(P_new) + ')') sys.exit(1) # Check the overall installed storage capacity: List_tech_storage = commons['tech_storage'] isstorage = pd.Series(index=plants.index, dtype='bool') for u in isstorage.index: isstorage[u] = plants.Technology[u] in List_tech_storage isstorage_merged = pd.Series(index=plants_merged.index, dtype='bool') for u in isstorage_merged.index: isstorage_merged[u] = plants_merged.Technology[u] in List_tech_storage TotalStorage = (plants.STOCapacity[isstorage] * plants.Nunits[isstorage]).sum() TotalStorage_merged = (plants_merged.STOCapacity[isstorage_merged] * plants_merged.Nunits[isstorage_merged]).sum() if np.abs(TotalStorage - TotalStorage_merged) / (TotalStorage + 0.0001) > 0.01: logging.error('The total installed storage capacity is not equal between the original units table (' + str(TotalStorage) + ') and the clustered table (' + str(TotalStorage_merged) + ')') # sys.exit(1) return True
[docs]def check_MinMaxFlows(df_min, df_max): """ Function that checks that there is no incompatibility between the minimum and maximum flows """ if (df_min > df_max).any(): pos = np.where(df_min > df_max) logging.critical('At least one minimum flow is higher than the maximum flow, for example in line number ' + str(pos[0][0]) + ' and time step ' + str(pos[1][0])) sys.exit(1) if (df_max < 0).any(): pos = np.where(df_max < 0) logging.critical('At least one maximum flow is negative, for example in line number ' + str(pos[0][0]) + ' and time step ' + str(pos[1][0])) sys.exit(1) return True
[docs]def check_NonNaNKeys(plants, NonNaNKeys): """ Checking if keys are of type NonNaN :param plants: plants dataframe :param NonNaNKeys: list of NonNaN keys """ for key in NonNaNKeys: for u in plants.index: if 'Unit' in plants: unitname = plants.loc[u, 'Unit'] else: unitname = str(u) if isinstance(plants.loc[u, key], str): logging.critical('A non numeric value was detected in the power plants inputs for parameter "' + key + '"') sys.exit(1) if np.isnan(plants.loc[u, key]): logging.critical('The power plants data is missing for unit ' + unitname + ' and parameter "' + key + '"') sys.exit(1)
[docs]def check_StrKeys(plants, StrKeys): """ Checking if keys are of type Str :param plants: plants dataframe :param StrKeys: list of Str keys """ for key in StrKeys: for u in plants.index: if 'Unit' in plants: unitname = plants.loc[u, 'Unit'] else: unitname = str(u) if not isinstance(plants.loc[u, key], str): logging.critical('A numeric value was detected in the power plants inputs for parameter "' + key + '". This column should contain strings only.') sys.exit(1) elif plants.loc[u, key] == '': logging.critical('An empty value was detected in the power plants inputs for unit "' + unitname + '" and parameter "' + key + '"') sys.exit(1)
[docs]def check_keys(plants, keys, unit): """ Checking mandatory keys :param plants: plants dataframe :param keys: list of keys :param unit: string denoting type of units being checked """ for key in keys: if key not in plants: logging.critical('The power plants data does not contain the field "' + key + '", which is mandatory for ' + unit + ' units') sys.exit(1)
[docs]def check_sto(config, plants, raw_data=True): """ Function that checks the storage plant characteristics """ if raw_data: keys = ['STOCapacity', 'STOSelfDischarge', 'STOMaxChargingPower', 'STOChargingEfficiency'] NonNaNKeys = ['STOCapacity'] else: keys = ['StorageCapacity', 'StorageSelfDischarge', 'StorageChargingCapacity', 'StorageChargingEfficiency'] NonNaNKeys = ['StorageCapacity'] if 'StorageInitial' in plants: logging.warning('The "StorageInitial" column is present in the power plant table, although it is deprecated ' '(it should now be defined in the ReservoirLevel data table). It will not be considered.') check_keys(plants, keys, 'Storage') check_NonNaNKeys(plants,NonNaNKeys) if raw_data: key = 'STOCapacity' P_charging = 'STOMaxChargingPower' else: key = 'StorageCapacity' P_charging = 'StorageChargingCapacity' for u in plants.index: maxpower = max(plants.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'], plants.loc[u, P_charging]) if plants.loc[u, key] > maxpower * 8760: logging.error('The Storage capacity for unit ' + plants.loc[u, 'Unit'] + ' is prohibitively high. ' 'More than one year at full power is required to discharge the reservoir') elif plants.loc[u, key] > maxpower * 3000: logging.warning('The Storage capacity for unit ' + plants.loc[u, 'Unit'] + ' is very high.') elif (plants.loc[u, key] > maxpower * 24 * config['HorizonLength'] / config['SimulationTimeStep']) and ( config['HydroScheduling'] not in ['Zonal', 'Regional']): logging.warning('The Storage capacity for unit ' + plants.loc[u, 'Unit'] + ' is high. Make sure to provide a proper storage level profile') return True
[docs]def check_h2(config, plants): """ Function that checks the H2 (p2h) unit characteristics """ keys = ['PowerCapacity', 'Efficiency'] NonNaNKeys = [] StrKeys = [] if len(plants) == 0: # If there are no P2HT units, exit the check return True check_keys(plants, keys, 'P2H2') check_NonNaNKeys(plants, NonNaNKeys) check_StrKeys(plants, StrKeys) return True
[docs]def check_p2h(config, plants): """ Function that checks the p2h unit characteristics """ keys = ['COP'] NonNaNKeys = ['COP'] StrKeys = [] if len(plants) == 0: # If there are no P2HT units, exit the check return True check_keys(plants, keys, 'P2HT') check_keys(plants, keys, 'ABHP') check_keys(plants, keys, 'ASHP') check_keys(plants, keys, 'GSHP') check_keys(plants, keys, 'HYHP') check_keys(plants, keys, 'WSHP') check_NonNaNKeys(plants, NonNaNKeys) check_StrKeys(plants, StrKeys) # Check the COP values: for u in plants.index: if plants.loc[u, 'COP'] < 0 or plants.loc[u, 'COP'] > 50: logging.critical('The COP value of p2h units must be comprised between 0 and 20. ' 'The provided value for unit ' + u + ' is "' + str(plants.loc[u, 'COP'] + '"')) sys.exit(1) return True
[docs]def check_heat(config, plants): """ Function that checks the heat only unit characteristics """ keys = ['PowerCapacity', 'Efficiency'] NonNaNKeys = [] StrKeys = [] if len(plants) == 0: # If there are no P2HT units, exit the check return True check_keys(plants, keys, 'HOBO') check_keys(plants, keys, 'GETH') check_keys(plants, keys, 'SOTH') check_NonNaNKeys(plants, NonNaNKeys) check_StrKeys(plants, StrKeys) return True
[docs]def check_chp(config, plants): """ Function that checks the CHP plant characteristics """ keys = ['CHPType', 'CHPPowerToHeat', 'CHPPowerLossFactor'] NonNaNKeys = ['CHPPowerToHeat', 'CHPPowerLossFactor'] StrKeys = ['CHPType'] check_keys(plants, keys, 'CHP') check_NonNaNKeys(plants, NonNaNKeys) check_StrKeys(plants, StrKeys) # Check the efficiency values: unitname = str() for u in plants.index: if 'Unit' in plants: unitname = plants.loc[u, 'Unit'] else: unitname = str(u) plant_PowerCapacity = plants.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'] plant_MaxHeat = plants.loc[u, 'CHPMaxHeat'] plant_powertoheat = plants.loc[u, 'CHPPowerToHeat'] plant_powerlossfactor = plants.loc[u, 'CHPPowerLossFactor'] if plants.loc[u, 'CHPType'].lower() not in ['extraction', 'back-pressure', 'p2h']: logging.critical('The value of CHPType should be "extraction", "back-pressure" or "p2h". ' 'The type of unit ' + u + ' is "' + str(plants.loc[u, 'CHPType'] + '"')) sys.exit(1) if 0 > plant_powertoheat > 10: logging.critical('The value of CHPPowerToHeat should be higher or equal to zero and lower than 10. ' 'Unit ' + u + ' has a value of ' + str(plant_powertoheat)) sys.exit(1) if 0 > plant_powerlossfactor > 1 and plants.loc[u, 'CHPType'].lower() != 'p2h': logging.critical('The value of CHPPowerLossFactor should be higher or equal to zero and lower than 1. ' 'Unit ' + u + ' has a value of ' + str(plant_powerlossfactor)) sys.exit(1) if plants.loc[u, 'CHPType'].lower() == 'back-pressure' and plant_powerlossfactor != 0: logging.critical('The value of CHPPowerLossFactor must be zero if the CHP types is "back-pressure". ' 'Unit ' + u + ' has a value of ' + str(plant_powerlossfactor)) sys.exit(1) if plants.loc[u, 'CHPType'].lower() == 'extraction': intersection_MaxHeat = plant_PowerCapacity / plant_powertoheat if not pd.isnull(plant_MaxHeat): if intersection_MaxHeat < plant_MaxHeat: logging.warning('Given Maximum heat CHPMaxHeat ({}) is higher than the intersection point of the ' 'two other constraints ({}) (power loss factor and backpressure line) therefore it ' 'will not be ignored'.format(plant_MaxHeat, intersection_MaxHeat)) plant_MaxHeat = intersection_MaxHeat else: plant_MaxHeat = intersection_MaxHeat # Calculating the nominal total efficiency at the highest point: if plants.loc[u, 'CHPType'].lower() != 'p2h': Fuel = (plant_PowerCapacity + plant_powerlossfactor * plant_MaxHeat) / plants.loc[ u, 'Efficiency'] # F = (P + C_v * Q)/eta_condensation TotalEfficiency = (plant_PowerCapacity + plant_MaxHeat) / Fuel # eta_tot = (P + Q) / F logging.debug('Highest overall efficiency of CHP plant {} is {:.2f}'.format(u, TotalEfficiency)) if TotalEfficiency < 0 or TotalEfficiency > 1.14: logging.critical('The calculated value of the total CHP efficiency for unit ' + unitname + ' is ' + str(TotalEfficiency) + ', which is unrealistic!') sys.exit(1) if TotalEfficiency > 0.95: logging.warning('The calculated value of the total CHP efficiency for unit ' + unitname + ' is ' + str(TotalEfficiency) + ', which is very high!') # Check the optional MaxHeatCapacity parameter. While it adds another realistic boundary it is not a required # parameter for the definition of the CHP's operational envelope.: if 'CHPMaxHeat' in plants: for u in plants.index: plant_MaxHeat = plants.loc[u, 'CHPMaxHeat'] if plant_MaxHeat <= 0: logging.warning('CHPMaxHeat for plant {} is {} which shuts down any heat ' 'production.'.format(u, plant_MaxHeat)) # Check the optional heat storage values: if 'STOCapacity' in plants: for u in plants.index: Qdot = plants.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'] / plants.loc[u, 'CHPPowerToHeat'] if plants.loc[u, 'STOCapacity'] < Qdot * 0.5: logging.warning('Unit ' + unitname + ': The value of the thermal storage capacity (' + str(plants.loc[u, 'STOCapacity']) + 'MWh) seems very low compared to its ' 'thermal power (' + str(Qdot) + 'MW).') elif plants.loc[u, 'STOCapacity'] > Qdot * 24: logging.warning('Unit ' + unitname + ': The value of the thermal storage capacity (' + str( plants.loc[u, 'STOCapacity']) + 'MWh) seems very high compared to its thermal power (' + str(Qdot) + 'MW).') if 'STOSelfDischarge' in plants: for u in plants.index: if plants.loc[u, 'STOSelfDischarge'] < 0: logging.error('Unit ' + unitname + ': The value of the thermal storage self-discharge (' + str(plants.loc[u, 'STOSelfDischarge'] * 100) + '%/day) cannot be negative') sys.exit(1) elif plants.loc[u, 'STOSelfDischarge'] > 1: logging.warning('Unit ' + unitname + ': The value of the thermal storage self-discharge (' + str(plants.loc[u, 'STOSelfDischarge'] * 100) + '%/day) seems very high') elif plants.loc[u, 'STOSelfDischarge'] > 24: logging.error('Unit ' + unitname + ': The value of the thermal storage self-discharge (' + str(plants.loc[u, 'STOSelfDischarge'] * 100) + '%/day) is too high') sys.exit(1) return True
[docs]def check_units(config, plants): """ Function that checks the power plant characteristics """ keys = ['Unit', 'Fuel', 'Zone', 'Technology', 'PowerCapacity', 'PartLoadMin', 'RampUpRate', 'RampDownRate', 'StartUpTime', 'MinUpTime', 'MinDownTime', 'NoLoadCost', 'StartUpCost', 'Efficiency', 'CO2Intensity', 'WaterWithdrawal', 'WaterConsumption'] NonNaNKeys = ['PowerCapacity', 'PartLoadMin', 'RampUpRate', 'RampDownRate', 'Efficiency', 'RampingCost', 'CO2Intensity'] StrKeys = ['Unit', 'Zone', 'Fuel', 'Technology'] # Special treatment for the Optional key Nunits: if 'Nunits' in plants: keys.append('Nunits') NonNaNKeys.append('Nunits') if any([not float(x).is_integer() for x in plants['Nunits']]): logging.error('Some values are not integers in the "Nunits" column of the plant database') sys.exit(1) else:'The columns "Nunits" is not present in the power plant database. ' 'A value of one will be assumed by default') check_keys(plants, keys, 'all') check_NonNaNKeys(plants, NonNaNKeys) check_StrKeys(plants, StrKeys) lower = {'PowerCapacity': 0, 'PartLoadMin': 0, 'StartUpTime': 0, 'MinUpTime': 0, 'MinDownTime': 0, 'NoLoadCost': 0, 'StartUpCost': 0, 'WaterWithdrawal': 0, 'WaterConsumption': 0} strictly_lower = {'RampUpRate': 0, 'RampDownRate': 0, 'Efficiency': 0} higher = {'PartLoadMin': 1, 'Efficiency': 1} higher_time = {'MinUpTime': 0, 'MinDownTime': 0} # 'StartUpTime':0, # Special treatment for the Optional key Nunits: if 'Nunits' in plants: strictly_lower['Nunits'] = 0 if len(plants['Unit'].unique()) != len(plants['Unit']): duplicates = plants['Unit'][plants['Unit'].duplicated()].tolist() logging.error('The names of the power plants are not unique. The following names are duplicates: ' + str(duplicates) + '. "' + str(duplicates[0] + '" appears for example in the following zones: ' + str(plants.Zone[plants['Unit'] == duplicates[0]].tolist()))) sys.exit(1) for key in lower: if any(plants[key] < lower[key]): plantlist = plants[plants[key] < lower[key]] plantlist = plantlist['Unit'].tolist() logging.critical('The value of ' + key + ' should be higher or equal to zero. A negative value has been ' 'found for units ' + str(plantlist)) sys.exit(1) for key in strictly_lower: if any(plants[key] <= strictly_lower[key]): plantlist = plants[plants[key] <= strictly_lower[key]] plantlist = plantlist['Unit'].tolist() logging.critical('The value of ' + key + ' should be strictly higher than zero. ' 'A null or negative value has been found for units ' + str(plantlist)) sys.exit(1) for key in higher: if any(plants[key] > higher[key]): plantlist = plants[plants[key] > higher[key]] plantlist = plantlist[~plantlist['Technology'].str.contains("ABHP")] if not plantlist.empty: plantlist = plantlist['Unit'].tolist() logging.critical('The value of ' + key + ' should be lower or equal to one. ' 'A higher value has been found for units ' + str(plantlist)) sys.exit(1) for key in higher_time: if any(plants[key] >= config['HorizonLength'] * 24): plantlist = plants[plants[key] >= config['HorizonLength'] * 24] plantlist = plantlist['Unit'].tolist() logging.critical('The value of ' + key + ' should be lower than the horizon length (' + str(config['HorizonLength'] * 24) + ' hours). A higher value has been found for units ' + str(plantlist)) sys.exit(1) # Checking che compatibility between the selected simulation time and the power plant constraints: if config['SimulationType'] in ('LP', 'LP clustered'): for key in ['NoLoadCost', 'PartLoadMin', 'MinEfficiency', 'StartUpTime']: if (plants[key] > 0).any(): logging.error('Non-null value(s) have been found for key ' + key + ' in the power plant list. ' 'This cannot be modelled with the ' + config['SimulationType'] + ' formulation and ' 'will therefore not be considered.') return True
[docs]def check_heat_demand(plants, data, zones_th): """ Function that checks the validity of the heat demand profiles :param plants: List of plants :param data: Dataframe with the heat demand time series :param zones_th: list with the heating zones """ plants.index = plants['Unit'] plants_heating = plants[ [str(plants['CHPType'][u]).lower() in commons['types_CHP'] or plants.loc[u, 'Technology'] == 'P2HT' for u in plants.index]] plants_chp = plants[[str(plants['CHPType'][u]).lower() in commons['types_CHP'] for u in plants.index]] for z in data: # for each heating zone in the heating demand data if z not in zones_th: logging.error('The heat demand profile with header "' + str( z) + '" does not correspond to any heating zone. It will be ignored.') elif (data[z] == 0).all(): logging.error('Heat demand data for zone "' + z + '" is either no found or always equal to zero') if z in plants_chp.index: # special case in which the heating zone corresponds to a single CHP unit u = z Nunits = plants.loc[u, 'Nunits'] plant_CHP_type = plants.loc[u, 'CHPType'].lower() if pd.isnull(plants.loc[u, 'CHPMaxHeat']): plant_Qmax = +np.inf else: plant_Qmax = plants.loc[u, 'CHPMaxHeat'] if plant_CHP_type == 'extraction': Qmin = 0 Qmax = min(plants.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'] / plants.loc[u, 'CHPPowerToHeat'], plant_Qmax) * Nunits elif plant_CHP_type == 'back-pressure': Qmin = plants.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'] * plants.loc[u, 'PartLoadMin'] / plants.loc[u, 'CHPPowerToHeat'] Qmax = min(plants.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'] / plants.loc[u, 'CHPPowerToHeat'], plant_Qmax) * Nunits elif plant_CHP_type == 'p2h': Qmin = 0 Qmax = plant_Qmax * Nunits else: logging.error('The CHP type for unit ' + u + ' is not valid.') if np.isnan(Qmax) and plant_CHP_type != 'p2h': logging.error( 'CHPPowerToHeat is not defined for unit ' + str(u) + ' appearing in the heat demand profiles') sys.exit(1) elif data[u].max() > Qmax: logging.warning('The maximum thermal demand for unit ' + str(u) + ' (' + str( data[u].max()) + ') is higher than its thermal capacity (' + str( Qmax) + '). Slack heat will be used to cover that.') if data[u].min() < Qmin: logging.warning('The minimum thermal demand for unit ' + str(u) + ' (' + str( data[u].min()) + ') is lower than its minimum thermal generation (' + str(Qmin) + ' MWth)') # check that a heating demand has been provided for all heating zones for z in zones_th: if z not in data: logging.critical('No heat demand data was found for thermal zone ' + z) sys.exit(1) return True
[docs]def check_reserves(Reserve2D, Reserve2U, Load): """ Function that checks the validity of the reserve requirement time series :param Reserve2D: DataFrame of reserves 2D :param Reserve2U: DataFrame of reserves 2U :param Load: DataFrame of Loads """ for z in Load.columns: if z in Reserve2U: if (Reserve2U[z] < 0).any(): logging.critical('The reserve 2U table contains negative values for zone ' + z) sys.exit(1) if (Load[z] - Reserve2U[z] < 0).any(): logging.critical('The reserve 2U table contains negative values higher than demand for zone ' + z) sys.exit(1) else: logging.warning('No 2U reserve requirement data has been found for zone ' + z + '. Using the standard formula') if z in Reserve2D: if (Reserve2D[z] < 0).any(): logging.critical('The reserve 2D table contains negative values for zone ' + z) sys.exit(1) if (Load[z] - Reserve2D[z] < 0).any(): logging.critical('The reserve 2D table contains negative values higher than demand for zone ' + z) sys.exit(1) else: logging.warning('No 2D reserve requirement data has been found for zone ' + z + '. Using the standard formula')
[docs]def check_temperatures(plants, Temperatures): """ Function that checks the presence and validity of the temperatures profiles for units with temperature-dependent characteristics :param plants: List of all units :param Temperatures: Dataframe of input temperatures """ plants.index = plants['Unit'] if 'Tnominal' in plants and is_numeric_dtype(plants['Tnominal']): plants_T = plants[plants.Tnominal > 0] if 'coef_COP_a' not in plants or 'coef_COP_b' not in plants: logging.critical('Columns coef_COP_a and coef_COP_b must be defined in the units table') sys.exit(1) else: plants_T = pd.DataFrame(columns=plants.columns) for u in plants_T.index: if plants_T.loc[u, 'Zone'] not in Temperatures: logging.critical('No temperature data has been found for zone ' + plants_T.loc[u, 'Zone'] + ", although it is required for temperature-dependent unit " + u) sys.exit(1) return True
[docs]def check_df(df, StartDate=None, StopDate=None, name=''): """ Function that check the time series provided as inputs """ if isinstance(df.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): if StartDate not in df.index: logging.warning('The start date ' + str(StartDate) + ' is not in the index of the provided dataframe') if StopDate not in df.index: logging.warning('The stop date ' + str(StopDate) + ' is not in the index of the provided dataframe') if any(np.isnan(df)): for key in df: missing = np.sum(np.isnan(df[key])) # pos = np.where(np.isnan(df.sum(axis=1))) # idx_pos = [df.index[i] for i in pos] if missing > 1: logging.warning('There are ' + str(missing) + ' missing entries in the column ' + key + ' of the dataframe ' + name) if not df.columns.is_unique: logging.error('The column headers of table "' + name + '" are not unique!. ' 'The following headers are duplicated: ' + str( df.columns.get_duplicates())) sys.exit(1) return True
[docs]def check_PtLDemand(parameters, config): for i, u in enumerate(parameters['MaxCapacityPtL']['val']): TotDemand = parameters['PtLDemandInput']['val'][i, :].sum() * config['SimulationTimeStep'] MaxProduction = parameters['MaxCapacityPtL']['val'][i] * len(parameters['PtLDemandInput']['val'][i, :]) * \ config['SimulationTimeStep'] if TotDemand > MaxProduction: logging.error('Unit ' + u + ' has a higher PtL demand than what the PtL capacity can provide') sys.exit(1)
[docs]def check_simulation_environment(SimulationPath, store_type='pickle', firstline=7): """ Function to test the validity of disapset inputs :param SimulationPath: Path to the simulation folder :param store_type: choose between: "list", "excel", "pickle" :param firstline: Number of the first line in the data (only if type=='excel') """ import cPickle # minimum list of variable required for dispaSET: list_sets = [ 'h', 'd', 'mk', 'n', 'c', 'p', 'l', 'f', 's', 't', 'tr', 'u'] list_param = [ 'AvailabilityFactor', 'CostFixed', 'CostShutDown', 'Curtailment', 'Demand', 'Efficiency', 'Fuel', 'CostVariable', 'FuelPrice', 'Markup', 'CostStartUp', 'EmissionMaximum', 'EmissionRate', 'FlowMaximum', 'FlowMinimum', 'LineNode', 'Location', 'LoadShedding', 'OutageFactor', 'PermitPrice', 'PriceTransmission', 'PowerCapacity', 'PartLoadMin', 'RampUpMaximum', 'RampDownMaximum', 'RampStartUpMaximum', 'RampShutDownMaximum', 'Reserve', 'StorageDischargeEfficiency', 'StorageCapacity', 'StorageInflow', 'StorageOutflow', 'StorageInitial', 'StorageMinimum', 'StorageChargingEfficiency', 'StorageChargingCapacity', 'Technology', 'TimeDownMinimum', 'TimeUpMinimum', 'TimeDownInitial', 'TimeUpInitial', 'PowerInitial'] if store_type == 'list': if isinstance(SimulationPath, list): # The list of sets and parameters has been passed directly to the function, checking that all are present: SimulationPath_vars = [SimulationPath[i]['name'] for i in range(len(SimulationPath))] for var in list_sets + list_param: if var not in SimulationPath_vars: logging.critical('The variable "' + var + '" has not been found in the list of input variables') sys.exit(1) else: logging.critical('The argument must a list. Please correct or change the "type" argument') sys.exit(1) elif store_type == 'pickle': if os.path.exists(SimulationPath): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(SimulationPath, 'Inputs.p')): variables = cPickle.load(open(os.path.join(SimulationPath, 'Inputs.p'), 'rb')) arg_vars = [variables[i]['name'] for i in range(len(variables))] for var in list_sets + list_param: if var not in arg_vars: logging.critical('Found Pickle file but does not contain valid DispaSET input (' + var + ' missing)') sys.exit(1) else: logging.critical('Could not find the Inputs.p file in the specified directory') sys.exit(1) else: logging.critical('The function argument is not a valid directory') sys.exit(1) elif store_type == 'excel': if os.path.exists(SimulationPath): if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(SimulationPath, 'InputDispa-SET - Sets.xlsx')): logging.critical("Could not find the file 'InputDispa-SET - Sets.xlsx'") sys.exit(1) for var in list_param: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(SimulationPath, 'InputDispa-SET - ' + var + '.xlsx')): a = 1 else: logging.critical("Could not find the file 'InputDispa-SET - " + var + ".xlsx'") sys.exit(1) else: logging.critical('The function argument is not a valid directory') sys.exit(1) else: logging.critical('The "type" parameter must be one of the following : "list", "excel", "pickle"') sys.exit(1)