Source code for dispaset.preprocessing.preprocessing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is the main file of the DispaSET pre-processing tool. It comprises a single function that generated the DispaSET simulation environment.

@author: S. Quoilin

import datetime as dt
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
    from future.builtins import int
except ImportError:
    logging.warning("Couldn't import future package. Numeric operations may differ among different versions due to incompatible variable types")

from .data_check import check_units, check_chp, check_sto, check_heat_demand, check_df, isStorage, check_MinMaxFlows,check_AvailabilityFactors, check_clustering
from .utils import clustering, interconnections, incidence_matrix
from .data_handler import UnitBasedTable,NodeBasedTable,merge_series, define_parameter, write_to_excel, load_csv

from ..misc.gdx_handler import write_variables
from ..common import commons  # Load fuel types, technologies, timestep, etc:

GMS_FOLDER = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'GAMS')

[docs]def get_git_revision_tag(): """Get version of DispaSET used for this run. tag + commit hash""" from subprocess import check_output try: return check_output(["git", "describe", "--tags", "--always"]).strip() except: return 'NA'
[docs]def build_simulation(config): """ This function reads the DispaSET config, loads the specified data, processes it when needed, and formats it in the proper DispaSET format. The output of the function is a directory with all inputs and simulation files required to run a DispaSET simulation :param config: Dictionary with all the configuration fields loaded from the excel file. Output of the 'LoadConfig' function. :param plot_load: Boolean used to display a plot of the demand curves in the different zones """ dispa_version = str(get_git_revision_tag())'New build started. DispaSET version: ' + dispa_version) # %%################################################################################################################ ##################################### Main Inputs ############################################################ ################################################################################################################### # Boolean variable to check wether it is milp or lp: LP = config['SimulationType'] == 'LP' or config['SimulationType'] == 'LP clustered' # Day/hour corresponding to the first and last days of the simulation: # Note that the first available data corresponds to 2015.01.31 (23.00) and the # last day with data is 2015.12.31 (22.00) __, m_start, d_start, __, __, __ = config['StartDate'] y_end, m_end, d_end, _, _, _ = config['StopDate'] config['StopDate'] = (y_end, m_end, d_end, 23, 59, 00) # updating stopdate to the end of the day # Indexes of the simulation: idx_std = pd.DatetimeIndex(pd.date_range(start=pd.datetime(*config['StartDate']), end=pd.datetime(*config['StopDate']), freq=commons['TimeStep']) ) idx_utc_noloc = idx_std - dt.timedelta(hours=1) idx_utc = idx_utc_noloc.tz_localize('UTC') # Indexes for the whole year considered in StartDate idx_utc_year_noloc = pd.DatetimeIndex(pd.date_range(start=pd.datetime(*(config['StartDate'][0],1,1,0,0)), end=pd.datetime(*(config['StartDate'][0],12,31,23,59,59)), freq=commons['TimeStep']) ) # %%################################################################################################################# ##################################### Data Loading ########################################################### ################################################################################################################### # Start and end of the simulation: delta = idx_utc[-1] - idx_utc[0] days_simulation = delta.days + 1 # Defining missing configuration fields for backwards compatibility: if not isinstance(config['default']['CostLoadShedding'],(float,int)): config['default']['CostLoadShedding'] = 1000 if not isinstance(config['default']['CostHeatSlack'],(float,int)): config['default']['CostHeatSlack'] = 50 # Load : Load = NodeBasedTable(config['Demand'],idx_utc_noloc,config['countries'],tablename='Demand') # For the peak load, the whole year is considered: PeakLoad = NodeBasedTable(config['Demand'],idx_utc_year_noloc,config['countries'],tablename='PeakLoad').max() if config['modifiers']['Demand'] != 1:'Scaling load curve by a factor ' + str(config['modifiers']['Demand'])) Load = Load * config['modifiers']['Demand'] PeakLoad = PeakLoad * config['modifiers']['Demand'] # Interconnections: if os.path.isfile(config['Interconnections']): flows = load_csv(config['Interconnections'], index_col=0, parse_dates=True).fillna(0) else: logging.warning('No historical flows will be considered (no valid file provided)') flows = pd.DataFrame(index=idx_utc_noloc) if os.path.isfile(config['NTC']): NTC = load_csv(config['NTC'], index_col=0, parse_dates=True).fillna(0) else: logging.warning('No NTC values will be considered (no valid file provided)') NTC = pd.DataFrame(index=idx_utc_noloc) # Load Shedding: LoadShedding = NodeBasedTable(config['LoadShedding'],idx_utc_noloc,config['countries'],tablename='LoadShedding',default=config['default']['LoadShedding']) CostLoadShedding = NodeBasedTable(config['CostLoadShedding'],idx_utc_noloc,config['countries'],tablename='CostLoadShedding',default=config['default']['CostLoadShedding']) # Power plants: plants = pd.DataFrame() if os.path.isfile(config['PowerPlantData']): plants = load_csv(config['PowerPlantData']) elif '##' in config['PowerPlantData']: for c in config['countries']: path = config['PowerPlantData'].replace('##', str(c)) tmp = load_csv(path) plants = plants.append(tmp, ignore_index=True) plants = plants[plants['Technology'] != 'Other'] plants = plants[pd.notnull(plants['PowerCapacity'])] plants.index = range(len(plants)) # Some columns can be in two format (absolute or per unit). If not specified, they are set to zero: for key in ['StartUpCost','NoLoadCost']: if key in plants: pass elif key+'_pu' in plants: plants[key] = plants[key+'_pu'] * plants['PowerCapacity'] else: plants[key] = 0 # check plant list: check_units(config, plants) # If not present, add the non-compulsory fields to the units table: for key in ['CHPPowerLossFactor','CHPPowerToHeat','CHPType','STOCapacity','STOSelfDischarge','STOMaxChargingPower','STOChargingEfficiency', 'CHPMaxHeat']: if key not in plants.columns: plants[key] = np.nan # Defining the hydro storages: plants_sto = plants[[u in commons['tech_storage'] for u in plants['Technology']]] # check storage plants: check_sto(config, plants_sto) # Defining the CHPs: plants_chp = plants[[str(x).lower() in commons['types_CHP'] for x in plants['CHPType']]] Outages = UnitBasedTable(plants,config['Outages'],idx_utc_noloc,config['countries'],fallbacks=['Unit','Technology'],tablename='Outages') AF = UnitBasedTable(plants,config['RenewablesAF'],idx_utc_noloc,config['countries'],fallbacks=['Unit','Technology'],tablename='AvailabilityFactors',default=1,RestrictWarning=commons['tech_renewables']) ReservoirLevels = UnitBasedTable(plants_sto,config['ReservoirLevels'],idx_utc_noloc,config['countries'],fallbacks=['Unit','Technology','Zone'],tablename='ReservoirLevels',default=0) ReservoirScaledInflows = UnitBasedTable(plants_sto,config['ReservoirScaledInflows'],idx_utc_noloc,config['countries'],fallbacks=['Unit','Technology','Zone'],tablename='ReservoirScaledInflows',default=0) HeatDemand = UnitBasedTable(plants_chp,config['HeatDemand'],idx_utc_noloc,config['countries'],fallbacks=['Unit'],tablename='HeatDemand',default=0) CostHeatSlack = UnitBasedTable(plants_chp,config['CostHeatSlack'],idx_utc_noloc,config['countries'],fallbacks=['Unit','Zone'],tablename='CostHeatSlack',default=config['default']['CostHeatSlack']) # data checks: check_AvailabilityFactors(plants,AF) check_heat_demand(plants,HeatDemand) # Fuel prices: fuels = ['PriceOfNuclear', 'PriceOfBlackCoal', 'PriceOfGas', 'PriceOfFuelOil', 'PriceOfBiomass', 'PriceOfCO2', 'PriceOfLignite', 'PriceOfPeat'] FuelPrices = pd.DataFrame(columns=fuels, index=idx_utc_noloc) for fuel in fuels: if os.path.isfile(config[fuel]): tmp = load_csv(config[fuel], header=None, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) FuelPrices[fuel] = tmp[1][idx_utc_noloc].values elif isinstance(config['default'][fuel], (int, float, complex)): logging.warning('No data file found for "' + fuel + '. Using default value ' + str(config['default'][fuel]) + ' EUR') FuelPrices[fuel] = pd.Series(config['default'][fuel], index=idx_utc_noloc) # Special case for lignite and peat, for backward compatibility elif fuel == 'PriceOfLignite': logging.warning('No price data found for "' + fuel + '. Using the same value as for Black Coal') FuelPrices[fuel] = FuelPrices['PriceOfBlackCoal'] elif fuel == 'PriceOfPeat': logging.warning('No price data found for "' + fuel + '. Using the same value as for biomass') FuelPrices[fuel] = FuelPrices['PriceOfBiomass'] else: logging.warning('No data file or default value found for "' + fuel + '. Assuming zero marginal price!') FuelPrices[fuel] = pd.Series(0, index=idx_utc_noloc) # Interconnections: [Interconnections_sim, Interconnections_RoW, Interconnections] = interconnections(config['countries'], NTC, flows) if len(Interconnections_sim.columns) > 0: NTCs = Interconnections_sim.reindex(idx_utc_noloc) else: NTCs = pd.DataFrame(index=idx_utc_noloc) Inter_RoW = Interconnections_RoW.reindex(idx_utc_noloc) # Clustering of the plants: Plants_merged, mapping = clustering(plants, method=config['SimulationType']) # Check clustering: check_clustering(plants,Plants_merged) # Renaming the columns to ease the production of parameters: Plants_merged.rename(columns={'StartUpCost': 'CostStartUp', 'RampUpMax': 'RampUpMaximum', 'RampDownMax': 'RampDownMaximum', 'MinUpTime': 'TimeUpMinimum', 'MinDownTime': 'TimeDownMinimum', 'RampingCost': 'CostRampUp', 'STOCapacity': 'StorageCapacity', 'STOMaxChargingPower': 'StorageChargingCapacity', 'STOChargingEfficiency': 'StorageChargingEfficiency', 'STOSelfDischarge': 'StorageSelfDischarge', 'CO2Intensity': 'EmissionRate'}, inplace=True) for key in ['TimeUpMinimum','TimeDownMinimum']: if any([not x.is_integer() for x in Plants_merged[key].fillna(0).values.astype('float')]): logging.warning(key + ' in the power plant data has been rounded to the nearest integer value') Plants_merged.loc[:,key] = Plants_merged[key].fillna(0).values.astype('int32') if not len(Plants_merged.index.unique()) == len(Plants_merged): # Very unlikely case: logging.error('plant indexes not unique!') sys.exit(1) # Apply scaling factors: if config['modifiers']['Solar'] != 1:'Scaling Solar Capacity by a factor ' + str(config['modifiers']['Solar'])) for u in Plants_merged.index: if Plants_merged.Technology[u] == 'PHOT': Plants_merged.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'] = Plants_merged.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'] * config['modifiers']['Solar'] if config['modifiers']['Wind'] != 1:'Scaling Wind Capacity by a factor ' + str(config['modifiers']['Wind'])) for u in Plants_merged.index: if Plants_merged.Technology[u] == 'WTON' or Plants_merged.Technology[u] == 'WTOF': Plants_merged.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'] = Plants_merged.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'] * config['modifiers']['Wind'] if config['modifiers']['Storage'] != 1:'Scaling Storage Power and Capacity by a factor ' + str(config['modifiers']['Storage'])) for u in Plants_merged.index: if isStorage(Plants_merged.Technology[u]): Plants_merged.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'] = Plants_merged.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'] * config['modifiers']['Storage'] Plants_merged.loc[u, 'StorageCapacity'] = Plants_merged.loc[u, 'StorageCapacity'] * config['modifiers']['Storage'] Plants_merged.loc[u, 'StorageChargingCapacity'] = Plants_merged.loc[u, 'StorageChargingCapacity'] * config['modifiers']['Storage'] # Defining the hydro storages: Plants_sto = Plants_merged[[u in commons['tech_storage'] for u in Plants_merged['Technology']]] # check storage plants: check_sto(config, Plants_sto,raw_data=False) # Defining the CHPs: Plants_chp = Plants_merged[[x.lower() in commons['types_CHP'] for x in Plants_merged['CHPType']]].copy() # check chp plants: check_chp(config, Plants_chp) # For all the chp plants correct the PowerCapacity, which is defined in cogeneration mode in the inputs and in power generation model in the optimization model for u in Plants_chp.index: PowerCapacity = Plants_chp.loc[u, 'PowerCapacity'] if Plants_chp.loc[u,'CHPType'].lower() == 'p2h': PurePowerCapacity = PowerCapacity else: if pd.isnull(Plants_chp.loc[u,'CHPMaxHeat']): # If maximum heat is not defined, then it is defined as the intersection between two lines MaxHeat = PowerCapacity / Plants_chp.loc[u,'CHPPowerToHeat'] Plants_chp.loc[u, 'CHPMaxHeat'] = 'inf' else: MaxHeat = Plants_chp.loc[u, 'CHPMaxHeat'] PurePowerCapacity = PowerCapacity + Plants_chp.loc[u,'CHPPowerLossFactor'] * MaxHeat Plants_merged.loc[u,'PartLoadMin'] = Plants_merged.loc[u,'PartLoadMin'] * PowerCapacity / PurePowerCapacity # FIXME: Is this correct? Plants_merged.loc[u,'PowerCapacity'] = PurePowerCapacity # Get the hydro time series corresponding to the original plant list: #FIXME Unused variable ? #StorageFormerIndexes = [s for s in plants.index if # plants['Technology'][s] in commons['tech_storage']] # Same with the CHPs: # Get the heat demand time series corresponding to the original plant list: CHPFormerIndexes = [s for s in plants.index if plants['CHPType'][s] in commons['types_CHP']] for s in CHPFormerIndexes: # for all the old plant indexes # get the old plant name corresponding to s: oldname = plants['Unit'][s] # newname = mapping['NewIndex'][s] #FIXME Unused variable ? if oldname not in HeatDemand: logging.warning('No heat demand profile found for CHP plant "' + str(oldname) + '". Assuming zero') HeatDemand[oldname] = 0 if oldname not in CostHeatSlack: logging.warning('No heat cost profile found for CHP plant "' + str(oldname) + '". Assuming zero') CostHeatSlack[oldname] = 0 # merge the outages: for i in plants.index: # for all the old plant indexes # get the old plant name corresponding to s: oldname = plants['Unit'][i] newname = mapping['NewIndex'][i] # Merging the time series relative to the clustered power plants: ReservoirScaledInflows_merged = merge_series(plants, ReservoirScaledInflows, mapping, method='WeightedAverage', tablename='ScaledInflows') ReservoirLevels_merged = merge_series(plants, ReservoirLevels, mapping, tablename='ReservoirLevels') Outages_merged = merge_series(plants, Outages, mapping, tablename='Outages') HeatDemand_merged = merge_series(plants, HeatDemand, mapping, tablename='HeatDemand',method='Sum') AF_merged = merge_series(plants, AF, mapping, tablename='AvailabilityFactors') CostHeatSlack_merged = merge_series(plants, CostHeatSlack, mapping, tablename='CostHeatSlack') # %% # checking data check_df(Load, StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], name='Load') check_df(AF_merged, StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], name='AF_merged') check_df(Outages_merged, StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], name='Outages_merged') check_df(Inter_RoW, StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], name='Inter_RoW') check_df(FuelPrices, StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], name='FuelPrices') check_df(NTCs, StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], name='NTCs') check_df(ReservoirLevels_merged, StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], name='ReservoirLevels_merged') check_df(ReservoirScaledInflows_merged, StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], name='ReservoirScaledInflows_merged') check_df(HeatDemand_merged, StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], name='HeatDemand_merged') check_df(CostHeatSlack_merged, StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], name='CostHeatSlack_merged') check_df(LoadShedding, StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], name='LoadShedding') check_df(CostLoadShedding, StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], name='CostLoadShedding') # for key in Renewables: # check_df(Renewables[key], StartDate=idx_utc_noloc[0], StopDate=idx_utc_noloc[-1], # name='Renewables["' + key + '"]') # %%% # Extending the data to include the look-ahead period (with constant values assumed) enddate_long = idx_utc_noloc[-1] + dt.timedelta(days=config['LookAhead']) idx_long = pd.DatetimeIndex(pd.date_range(start=idx_utc_noloc[0], end=enddate_long, freq=commons['TimeStep'])) Nhours_long = len(idx_long) # re-indexing with the longer index and filling possibly missing data at the beginning and at the end:: Load = Load.reindex(idx_long, method='nearest').fillna(method='bfill') AF_merged = AF_merged.reindex(idx_long, method='nearest').fillna(method='bfill') Inter_RoW = Inter_RoW.reindex(idx_long, method='nearest').fillna(method='bfill') NTCs = NTCs.reindex(idx_long, method='nearest').fillna(method='bfill') FuelPrices = FuelPrices.reindex(idx_long, method='nearest').fillna(method='bfill') Load = Load.reindex(idx_long, method='nearest').fillna(method='bfill') Outages_merged = Outages_merged.reindex(idx_long, method='nearest').fillna(method='bfill') ReservoirLevels_merged = ReservoirLevels_merged.reindex(idx_long, method='nearest').fillna(method='bfill') ReservoirScaledInflows_merged = ReservoirScaledInflows_merged.reindex(idx_long, method='nearest').fillna( method='bfill') LoadShedding = LoadShedding.reindex(idx_long, method='nearest').fillna(method='bfill') CostLoadShedding = CostLoadShedding.reindex(idx_long, method='nearest').fillna(method='bfill') # for tr in Renewables: # Renewables[tr] = Renewables[tr].reindex(idx_long, method='nearest').fillna(method='bfill') # %%################################################################################################################ ############################################ Sets ############################################################ ################################################################################################################### # The sets are defined within a dictionary: sets = {} sets['h'] = [str(x + 1) for x in range(Nhours_long)] sets['z'] = [str(x + 1) for x in range(Nhours_long - config['LookAhead'] * 24)] sets['mk'] = ['DA', '2U', '2D'] sets['n'] = config['countries'] sets['u'] = Plants_merged.index.tolist() sets['l'] = Interconnections sets['f'] = commons['Fuels'] sets['p'] = ['CO2'] sets['s'] = Plants_sto.index.tolist() sets['chp'] = Plants_chp.index.tolist() sets['t'] = commons['Technologies'] sets['tr'] = commons['tech_renewables'] ################################################################################################################### ############################################ Parameters ###################################################### ################################################################################################################### Nunits = len(Plants_merged) parameters = {} # Each parameter is associated with certain sets, as defined in the following list: sets_param = {} sets_param['AvailabilityFactor'] = ['u', 'h'] sets_param['CHPPowerToHeat'] = ['chp'] sets_param['CHPPowerLossFactor'] = ['chp'] sets_param['CHPMaxHeat'] = ['chp'] sets_param['CostFixed'] = ['u'] sets_param['CostHeatSlack'] = ['chp','h'] sets_param['CostLoadShedding'] = ['n','h'] sets_param['CostRampUp'] = ['u'] sets_param['CostRampDown'] = ['u'] sets_param['CostShutDown'] = ['u'] sets_param['CostStartUp'] = ['u'] sets_param['CostVariable'] = ['u', 'h'] sets_param['Curtailment'] = ['n'] sets_param['Demand'] = ['mk', 'n', 'h'] sets_param['Efficiency'] = ['u'] sets_param['EmissionMaximum'] = ['n', 'p'] sets_param['EmissionRate'] = ['u', 'p'] sets_param['FlowMaximum'] = ['l', 'h'] sets_param['FlowMinimum'] = ['l', 'h'] sets_param['Fuel'] = ['u', 'f'] sets_param['HeatDemand'] = ['chp','h'] sets_param['LineNode'] = ['l', 'n'] sets_param['LoadShedding'] = ['n','h'] sets_param['Location'] = ['u', 'n'] sets_param['Markup'] = ['u', 'h'] sets_param['Nunits'] = ['u'] sets_param['OutageFactor'] = ['u', 'h'] sets_param['PartLoadMin'] = ['u'] sets_param['PowerCapacity'] = ['u'] sets_param['PowerInitial'] = ['u'] sets_param['PriceTransmission'] = ['l', 'h'] sets_param['RampUpMaximum'] = ['u'] sets_param['RampDownMaximum'] = ['u'] sets_param['RampStartUpMaximum'] = ['u'] sets_param['RampShutDownMaximum'] = ['u'] sets_param['Reserve'] = ['t'] sets_param['StorageCapacity'] = ['u'] sets_param['StorageChargingCapacity'] = ['s'] sets_param['StorageChargingEfficiency'] = ['s'] sets_param['StorageDischargeEfficiency'] = ['s'] sets_param['StorageSelfDischarge'] = ['u'] sets_param['StorageInflow'] = ['s', 'h'] sets_param['StorageInitial'] = ['s'] sets_param['StorageMinimum'] = ['s'] sets_param['StorageOutflow'] = ['s', 'h'] sets_param['StorageProfile'] = ['s', 'h'] sets_param['Technology'] = ['u', 't'] sets_param['TimeUpMinimum'] = ['u'] sets_param['TimeDownMinimum'] = ['u'] # Define all the parameters and set a default value of zero: for var in sets_param: parameters[var] = define_parameter(sets_param[var], sets, value=0) # List of parameters whose default value is 1 for var in ['AvailabilityFactor', 'Efficiency', 'Curtailment', 'StorageChargingEfficiency', 'StorageDischargeEfficiency', 'Nunits']: parameters[var] = define_parameter(sets_param[var], sets, value=1) # List of parameters whose default value is very high for var in ['RampUpMaximum', 'RampDownMaximum', 'RampStartUpMaximum', 'RampShutDownMaximum', 'EmissionMaximum']: parameters[var] = define_parameter(sets_param[var], sets, value=1e7) # Boolean parameters: for var in ['Technology', 'Fuel', 'Reserve', 'Location']: parameters[var] = define_parameter(sets_param[var], sets, value='bool') # %% # List of parameters whose value is known, and provided in the dataframe Plants_merged. for var in ['Efficiency', 'PowerCapacity', 'PartLoadMin', 'TimeUpMinimum', 'TimeDownMinimum', 'CostStartUp', 'CostRampUp','StorageCapacity', 'StorageSelfDischarge']: parameters[var]['val'] = Plants_merged[var].values # List of parameters whose value is not necessarily specified in the dataframe Plants_merged for var in ['Nunits']: if var in Plants_merged: parameters[var]['val'] = Plants_merged[var].values # List of parameters whose value is known, and provided in the dataframe Plants_sto. for var in ['StorageChargingCapacity', 'StorageChargingEfficiency']: parameters[var]['val'] = Plants_sto[var].values # The storage discharge efficiency is actually given by the unit efficiency: parameters['StorageDischargeEfficiency']['val'] = Plants_sto['Efficiency'].values # List of parameters whose value is known, and provided in the dataframe Plants_chp for var in ['CHPPowerToHeat','CHPPowerLossFactor', 'CHPMaxHeat']: parameters[var]['val'] = Plants_chp[var].values # Storage profile and initial state: for i, s in enumerate(sets['s']): if s in ReservoirLevels_merged: # get the time parameters['StorageInitial']['val'][i] = ReservoirLevels_merged[s][idx_long[0]] * \ Plants_sto['StorageCapacity'][s] * Plants_sto['Nunits'][s] parameters['StorageProfile']['val'][i, :] = ReservoirLevels_merged[s][idx_long].values if any(ReservoirLevels_merged[s] > 1): logging.warning(s + ': The reservoir level is sometimes higher than its capacity!') else: logging.warning( 'Could not find reservoir level data for storage plant ' + s + '. Assuming 50% of capacity') parameters['StorageInitial']['val'][i] = 0.5 * Plants_sto['StorageCapacity'][s] parameters['StorageProfile']['val'][i, :] = 0.5 # Storage Inflows: for i, s in enumerate(sets['s']): if s in ReservoirScaledInflows_merged: parameters['StorageInflow']['val'][i, :] = ReservoirScaledInflows_merged[s][idx_long].values * \ Plants_sto['PowerCapacity'][s] # CHP time series: for i, u in enumerate(sets['chp']): if u in HeatDemand_merged: parameters['HeatDemand']['val'][i, :] = HeatDemand_merged[u][idx_long].values parameters['CostHeatSlack']['val'][i, :] = CostHeatSlack_merged[u][idx_long].values # Ramping rates are reconstructed for the non dimensional value provided (start-up and normal ramping are not differentiated) parameters['RampUpMaximum']['val'] = Plants_merged['RampUpRate'].values * Plants_merged['PowerCapacity'].values * 60 parameters['RampDownMaximum']['val'] = Plants_merged['RampDownRate'].values * Plants_merged[ 'PowerCapacity'].values * 60 parameters['RampStartUpMaximum']['val'] = Plants_merged['RampUpRate'].values * Plants_merged[ 'PowerCapacity'].values * 60 parameters['RampShutDownMaximum']['val'] = Plants_merged['RampDownRate'].values * Plants_merged[ 'PowerCapacity'].values * 60 # If Curtailment is not allowed, set to 0: if config['AllowCurtailment'] == 0: parameters['Curtailment'] = define_parameter(sets_param['Curtailment'], sets, value=0) # Availability Factors if len(AF_merged.columns) != 0: for i, u in enumerate(sets['u']): if u in AF_merged.columns: parameters['AvailabilityFactor']['val'][i, :] = AF_merged[u].values # Demand # Dayahead['NL'][1800:1896] = Dayahead['NL'][1632:1728] reserve_2U_tot = {i: (np.sqrt(10 * PeakLoad[i] + 150 ** 2) - 150) for i in Load.columns} reserve_2D_tot = {i: (0.5 * reserve_2U_tot[i]) for i in Load.columns} values = np.ndarray([len(sets['mk']), len(sets['n']), len(sets['h'])]) for i in range(len(sets['n'])): values[0, i, :] = Load[sets['n'][i]] values[1, i, :] = reserve_2U_tot[sets['n'][i]] values[2, i, :] = reserve_2D_tot[sets['n'][i]] parameters['Demand'] = {'sets': sets_param['Demand'], 'val': values} # Emission Rate: parameters['EmissionRate']['val'][:, 0] = Plants_merged['EmissionRate'].values # Load Shedding: for i, c in enumerate(sets['n']): parameters['LoadShedding']['val'][i] = LoadShedding[c] * PeakLoad[c] parameters['CostLoadShedding']['val'][i] = CostLoadShedding[c] # %%################################################################################################################################################################################################# # Variable Cost # Equivalence dictionary between fuel types and price entries in the config sheet: FuelEntries = {'BIO':'PriceOfBiomass', 'GAS':'PriceOfGas', 'HRD':'PriceOfBlackCoal', 'LIG':'PriceOfLignite', 'NUC':'PriceOfNuclear', 'OIL':'PriceOfFuelOil', 'PEA':'PriceOfPeat'} for unit in range(Nunits): found = False for FuelEntry in FuelEntries: if Plants_merged['Fuel'][unit] == FuelEntry: parameters['CostVariable']['val'][unit, :] = FuelPrices[FuelEntries[FuelEntry]] / Plants_merged['Efficiency'][unit] + \ Plants_merged['EmissionRate'][unit] * FuelPrices['PriceOfCO2'] found = True # Special case for biomass plants, which are not included in EU ETS: if Plants_merged['Fuel'][unit] == 'BIO': parameters['CostVariable']['val'][unit, :] = FuelPrices['PriceOfBiomass'] / Plants_merged['Efficiency'][ unit] found = True if not found: logging.warning('No fuel price value has been found for fuel ' + Plants_merged['Fuel'][unit] + ' in unit ' + \ Plants_merged['Unit'][unit] + '. A null variable cost has been assigned') # %%################################################################################################################################################################################################# # Maximum Line Capacity for i, l in enumerate(sets['l']): if l in NTCs.columns: parameters['FlowMaximum']['val'][i, :] = NTCs[l] if l in Inter_RoW.columns: parameters['FlowMaximum']['val'][i, :] = Inter_RoW[l] parameters['FlowMinimum']['val'][i, :] = Inter_RoW[l] # Check values: check_MinMaxFlows(parameters['FlowMinimum']['val'],parameters['FlowMaximum']['val']) parameters['LineNode'] = incidence_matrix(sets, 'l', parameters, 'LineNode') # Outage Factors if len(Outages_merged.columns) != 0: for i, u in enumerate(sets['u']): if u in Outages_merged.columns: parameters['OutageFactor']['val'][i, :] = Outages_merged[u].values else: logging.warning('Outages factors not found for unit ' + u + '. Assuming no outages') # Participation to the reserve market values = np.array([s in config['ReserveParticipation'] for s in sets['t']], dtype='bool') parameters['Reserve'] = {'sets': sets_param['Reserve'], 'val': values} # Technologies for unit in range(Nunits): idx = sets['t'].index(Plants_merged['Technology'][unit]) parameters['Technology']['val'][unit, idx] = True # Fuels for unit in range(Nunits): idx = sets['f'].index(Plants_merged['Fuel'][unit]) parameters['Fuel']['val'][unit, idx] = True # Location for i in range(len(sets['n'])): parameters['Location']['val'][:, i] = (Plants_merged['Zone'] == config['countries'][i]).values # CHPType parameter: sets['chp_type'] = ['Extraction','Back-Pressure', 'P2H'] parameters['CHPType'] = define_parameter(['chp','chp_type'],sets,value=0) for i,u in enumerate(sets['chp']): if u in Plants_chp.index: if Plants_chp.loc[u,'CHPType'].lower() == 'extraction': parameters['CHPType']['val'][i,0] = 1 elif Plants_chp.loc[u,'CHPType'].lower() == 'back-pressure': parameters['CHPType']['val'][i,1] = 1 elif Plants_chp.loc[u,'CHPType'].lower() == 'p2h': parameters['CHPType']['val'][i,2] = 1 else: logging.error('CHPType not valid for plant ' + u) sys.exit(1) # Initial Power if 'InitialPower' in Plants_merged: parameters['PowerInitial']['val'] = Plants_merged['InitialPower'].values else: for i in range(Nunits): # Nuclear and Fossil Gas greater than 350 MW are up (assumption): if Plants_merged['Fuel'][i] in ['GAS', 'NUC'] and Plants_merged['PowerCapacity'][i] > 350: parameters['PowerInitial']['val'][i] = (Plants_merged['PartLoadMin'][i] + 1) / 2 * \ Plants_merged['PowerCapacity'][i] # Config variables: sets['x_config'] = ['FirstDay', 'LastDay', 'RollingHorizon Length', 'RollingHorizon LookAhead','ValueOfLostLoad','QuickStartShare','CostOfSpillage','WaterValue'] sets['y_config'] = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'val'] dd_begin = idx_long[4] dd_end = idx_long[-2] #TODO: integrated the parameters (VOLL, Water value, etc) from the excel config file values = np.array([ [dd_begin.year, dd_begin.month,, 0], [dd_end.year, dd_end.month,, 0], [0, 0, config['HorizonLength'], 0], [0, 0, config['LookAhead'], 0], [0, 0, 0, 1e5], # Value of lost load [0, 0, 0, 0.5], # allowed Share of quick start units in reserve [0, 0, 0, 1], # Cost of spillage (EUR/MWh) [0, 0, 0, 100], # Value of water (for unsatisfied water reservoir levels, EUR/MWh) ]) parameters['Config'] = {'sets': ['x_config', 'y_config'], 'val': values} # %%################################################################################################################# ###################################### Simulation Environment ################################################ #################################################################################################################### # Output folder: sim = config['SimulationDirectory'] # Simulation data: SimData = {'sets': sets, 'parameters': parameters, 'config': config, 'units': Plants_merged, 'version': dispa_version} # list_vars = [] gdx_out = "Inputs.gdx" if config['WriteGDX']: write_variables(config['GAMS_folder'], gdx_out, [sets, parameters]) # if the sim variable was not defined: if 'sim' not in locals(): logging.error('Please provide a path where to store the DispaSET inputs (in the "sim" variable)') sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(sim): os.makedirs(sim) if LP: fin = open(os.path.join(GMS_FOLDER, 'UCM_h.gms')) fout = open(os.path.join(sim,'UCM_h.gms'), "wt") for line in fin: fout.write(line.replace('$setglobal LPFormulation 0', '$setglobal LPFormulation 1')) fin.close() fout.close() else: shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(GMS_FOLDER, 'UCM_h.gms'), os.path.join(sim, 'UCM_h.gms')) gmsfile = open(os.path.join(sim, 'UCM.gpr'), 'w') gmsfile.write( '[PROJECT] \n \n[RP:UCM_H] \n1= \n[OPENWINDOW_1] \nFILE0=UCM_h.gms \nFILE1=UCM_h.gms \nMAXIM=1 \nTOP=50 \nLEFT=50 \nHEIGHT=400 \nWIDTH=400') gmsfile.close() shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(GMS_FOLDER, 'writeresults.gms'), os.path.join(sim, 'writeresults.gms')) # Create cplex option file cplex_options = {'epgap': 0.05, # TODO: For the moment hardcoded, it has to be moved to a config file 'numericalemphasis': 0, 'scaind': 1, 'lpmethod': 0, 'relaxfixedinfeas': 0, 'mipstart':1, 'epint':0} lines_to_write = ['{} {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in cplex_options.items()] with open(os.path.join(sim, 'cplex.opt'), 'w') as f: for line in lines_to_write: f.write(line + '\n') logging.debug('Using gams file from ' + GMS_FOLDER) if config['WriteGDX']: shutil.copy(gdx_out, sim + '/') os.remove(gdx_out) # Copy bat file to generate gdx file directly from excel: shutil.copy(os.path.join(GMS_FOLDER, 'makeGDX.bat'), os.path.join(sim, 'makeGDX.bat')) if config['WriteExcel']: write_to_excel(sim, [sets, parameters]) if config['WritePickle']: try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle with open(os.path.join(sim, 'Inputs.p'), 'wb') as pfile: pickle.dump(SimData, pfile, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)'Build finished') if os.path.isfile(commons['logfile']): shutil.copy(commons['logfile'], os.path.join(sim, 'warn_preprocessing.log')) return SimData
[docs]def adjust_capacity(inputs,tech_fuel,scaling=1,value=None,singleunit=False,write_gdx=False,dest_path=''): ''' Function used to modify the installed capacities in the Dispa-SET generated input data The function update the Inputs.p file in the simulation directory at each call :param inputs: Input data dictionary OR path to the simulation directory containing Inputs.p :param tech_fuel: tuple with the technology and fuel type for which the capacity should be modified :param scaling: Scaling factor to be applied to the installed capacity :param value: Absolute value of the desired capacity (! Applied only if scaling != 1 !) :param singleunit: Set to true if the technology should remain lumped in a single unit :param write_gdx: boolean defining if Inputs.gdx should be also overwritten with the new data :param dest_path: Simulation environment path to write the new input data. If unspecified, no data is written! :return: New SimData dictionary ''' import pickle if isinstance(inputs,str) or isinstance(inputs,unicode): path = inputs inputfile = path + '/Inputs.p' if not os.path.exists(path): sys.exit('Path + "' + path + '" not found') with open(inputfile, 'rb') as f: SimData = pickle.load(f) elif isinstance(inputs,dict): SimData = inputs path = SimData['config']['SimulationDirectory'] else: logging.error('The input data must be either a dictionary or string containing a valid directory') sys.exit(1) if not isinstance(tech_fuel,tuple): sys.exit('tech_fuel must be a tuple') # find the units to be scaled: cond = (SimData['units']['Technology'] == tech_fuel[0]) & (SimData['units']['Fuel'] == tech_fuel[1]) units = SimData['units'][cond] idx = pd.Series(np.where(cond)[0],index=units.index) TotalCapacity = (units.PowerCapacity*units.Nunits).sum() if scaling != 1: RequiredCapacity = TotalCapacity*scaling elif value is not None: RequiredCapacity = value else: RequiredCapacity = TotalCapacity if singleunit: Nunits_new = pd.Series(1,index=units.index) else: Nunits_new = (units.Nunits * RequiredCapacity/TotalCapacity).round() Nunits_new[Nunits_new < 1] = 1 Cap_new = units.PowerCapacity * RequiredCapacity/(units.PowerCapacity*Nunits_new).sum() for u in units.index:'Unit ' + u +':')' PowerCapacity: ' + str(SimData['units'].PowerCapacity[u]) + ' --> ' + str(Cap_new[u]))' Nunits: ' + str(SimData['units'].Nunits[u]) + ' --> ' + str(Nunits_new[u])) factor = Cap_new[u]/SimData['units'].PowerCapacity[u] SimData['parameters']['PowerCapacity']['val'][idx[u]] = Cap_new[u] SimData['parameters']['Nunits']['val'][idx[u]] = Nunits_new[u] SimData['units'].loc[u,'PowerCapacity'] = Cap_new[u] SimData['units'].loc[u,'Nunits'] = Nunits_new[u] for col in ['CostStartUp', 'NoLoadCost','StorageCapacity','StorageChargingCapacity']: SimData['units'].loc[u,col] = SimData['units'].loc[u,col] * factor for param in ['CostShutDown','CostStartUp','PowerInitial','RampDownMaximum','RampShutDownMaximum','RampStartUpMaximum','RampUpMaximum','StorageCapacity']: SimData['parameters'][param]['val'][idx[u]] = SimData['parameters'][param]['val'][idx[u]]*factor for param in ['StorageChargingCapacity']: # find index, if any: idx_s = np.where(np.array(SimData['sets']['s']) == u)[0] if len(idx_s) == 1: idx_s = idx_s[0] SimData['parameters'][param]['val'][idx_s] = SimData['parameters'][param]['val'][idx_s]*factor if dest_path == '':'Not writing any input data to the disk') else: if not os.path.isdir(dest_path): shutil.copytree(path,dest_path)'Created simulation environment directory ' + dest_path)'Writing input files to ' + dest_path) with open(os.path.join(dest_path, 'Inputs.p'), 'wb') as pfile: pickle.dump(SimData, pfile, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if write_gdx: write_variables(SimData['config']['GAMS_folder'], 'Inputs.gdx', [SimData['sets'], SimData['parameters']]) shutil.copy('Inputs.gdx', dest_path + '/') os.remove('Inputs.gdx') return SimData
[docs]def adjust_storage(inputs,tech_fuel,scaling=1,value=None,write_gdx=False,dest_path=''): ''' Function used to modify the storage capacities in the Dispa-SET generated input data The function update the Inputs.p file in the simulation directory at each call :param inputs: Input data dictionary OR path to the simulation directory containing Inputs.p :param tech_fuel: tuple with the technology and fuel type for which the capacity should be modified :param scaling: Scaling factor to be applied to the installed capacity :param value: Absolute value of the desired capacity (! Applied only if scaling != 1 !) :param write_gdx: boolean defining if Inputs.gdx should be also overwritten with the new data :param dest_path: Simulation environment path to write the new input data. If unspecified, no data is written! :return: New SimData dictionary ''' import pickle if isinstance(inputs,str) or isinstance(inputs,unicode): path = inputs inputfile = path + '/Inputs.p' if not os.path.exists(path): sys.exit('Path + "' + path + '" not found') with open(inputfile, 'rb') as f: SimData = pickle.load(f) elif isinstance(inputs,dict): SimData = inputs else: logging.error('The input data must be either a dictionary or string containing a valid directory') sys.exit(1) if not isinstance(tech_fuel,tuple): sys.exit('tech_fuel must be a tuple') # find the units to be scaled: cond = (SimData['units']['Technology'] == tech_fuel[0]) & (SimData['units']['Fuel'] == tech_fuel[1]) & (SimData['units']['StorageCapacity'] > 0) units = SimData['units'][cond] idx = pd.Series(np.where(cond)[0],index=units.index) TotalCapacity = (units.StorageCapacity*units.Nunits).sum() if scaling != 1: RequiredCapacity = TotalCapacity*scaling elif value is not None: RequiredCapacity = value else: RequiredCapacity = TotalCapacity factor = RequiredCapacity/TotalCapacity for u in units.index:'Unit ' + u +':')' StorageCapacity: ' + str(SimData['units'].StorageCapacity[u]) + ' --> ' + str(SimData['units'].StorageCapacity[u]*factor)) SimData['units'].loc[u,'StorageCapacity'] = SimData['units'].loc[u,'StorageCapacity']*factor SimData['parameters']['StorageCapacity']['val'][idx[u]] = SimData['parameters']['StorageCapacity']['val'][idx[u]]*factor if dest_path == '':'Not writing any input data to the disk') else: if not os.path.isdir(dest_path): shutil.copytree(path,dest_path)'Created simulation environment directory ' + dest_path)'Writing input files to ' + dest_path) import cPickle with open(os.path.join(dest_path, 'Inputs.p'), 'wb') as pfile: cPickle.dump(SimData, pfile, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if write_gdx: write_variables(SimData['config']['GAMS_folder'], 'Inputs.gdx', [SimData['sets'], SimData['parameters']]) shutil.copy('Inputs.gdx', dest_path + '/') os.remove('Inputs.gdx') return SimData