Source code for dispaset.preprocessing.data_handler

import logging
import os
import sys

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from six.moves import reload_module
    from future.builtins import int
except ImportError:

[docs]def NodeBasedTable(path,idx,countries,tablename='',default=None): ''' This function loads the tabular data stored in csv files relative to each zone (a.k.a node, country) of the simulation. :param path: Path to the data to be loaded :param idx: Pandas datetime index to be used for the output :param countries: List with the country codes to be considered :param fallback: List with the order of data source. :param tablename: String with the name of the table being processed :param default: Default value to be applied if no data is found :return: Dataframe with the time series for each unit ''' paths = {} if os.path.isfile(path): paths['all'] = path SingleFile=True elif '##' in path: for c in countries: path_c = path.replace('##', str(c)) if os.path.isfile(path_c): paths[str(c)] = path_c else: logging.error('No data file found for the table ' + tablename + ' and country ' + c + '. File ' + path_c + ' does not exist') sys.exit(1) SingleFile=False data = pd.DataFrame(index=idx) if len(paths) == 0:'No data file found for the table ' + tablename + '. Using default value ' + str(default)) if default is None: pass elif isinstance(default,(float,int)): data = pd.DataFrame(default,index=idx,columns=countries) else: logging.error('Default value provided for table ' + tablename + ' is not valid') sys.exit(1) elif SingleFile: # If it is only one file, there is a header with the country code tmp = load_csv(paths['all'], index_col=0, parse_dates=True) if not tmp.index.is_unique: logging.error('The index of data file ' + paths['all'] + ' is not unique. Please check the data') sys.exit(1) for key in countries: if key in tmp: data[key] = tmp[key] elif len(tmp.columns) == 1: # if the country code is not in the header, it can also be because it is a single country simulation and no header is needed: data[key] = tmp.iloc[:,0] else: logging.error('Country ' + key + ' could not be found in the file ' + path + '. Using default value ' + str(default)) if default is None: pass elif isinstance(default,(float,int,long)): data[key] = default else: logging.error('Default value provided for table ' + tablename + ' is not valid') sys.exit(1) else: # assembling the files in a single dataframe: for c in paths: path = paths[c] # In case of separated files for each country, there is no header tmp = load_csv(path, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) # check that the loaded file is ok: if not tmp.index.is_unique: logging.error('The index of data file ' + paths['all'] + ' is not unique. Please check the data') sys.exit(1) data[c] = tmp.iloc[:,0] return data
[docs]def UnitBasedTable(plants,path,idx,countries,fallbacks=['Unit'],tablename='',default=None,RestrictWarning=None): ''' This function loads the tabular data stored in csv files and assigns the proper values to each unit of the plants dataframe. If the unit-specific value is not found in the data, the script can fallback on more generic data (e.g. fuel-based, technology-based, zone-based) or to the default value. The order in which the data should be loaded is specified in the fallback list. For example, ['Unit','Technology'] means that the script will first try to find a perfect match for the unit name in the data table. If not found, a column with the unit technology as header is search. If not found, the default value is assigned. :param plants: Dataframe with the units for which data is required :param path: Path to the data to be loaded :param idx: Pandas datetime index to be used for the output :param countries: List with the country codes to be considered :param fallback: List with the order of data source. :param tablename: String with the name of the table being processed :param default: Default value to be applied if no data is found :param RestrictWarning: Only display the warnings if the unit belongs to the list of technologies provided in this parameter :return: Dataframe with the time series for each unit ''' paths = {} if os.path.isfile(path): paths['all'] = path SingleFile=True elif '##' in path: for c in countries: path_c = path.replace('##', str(c)) if os.path.isfile(path_c): paths[str(c)] = path_c else: logging.critical('No data file found for the table ' + tablename + ' and country ' + c + '. File ' + path_c + ' does not exist') # sys.exit(1) SingleFile=False data = pd.DataFrame(index=idx) if len(paths) == 0:'No data file found for the table ' + tablename + '. Using default value ' + str(default)) if default is None: out = pd.DataFrame(index=idx) elif isinstance(default,(float,int)): out = pd.DataFrame(default,index=idx,columns=plants['Unit']) else: logging.error('Default value provided for table ' + tablename + ' is not valid') sys.exit(1) else: # assembling the files in a single dataframe: columns = [] for c in paths: path = paths[c] tmp = load_csv(path, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) # check that the loaded file is ok: if not tmp.index.is_unique: logging.error('The index of data file ' + path + ' is not unique. Please check the data') sys.exit(1) if SingleFile: for key in tmp: data[key] = tmp[key] else: # use the multi-index header with the country for key in tmp: columns.append((c,key)) data[c+','+key] = tmp[key] if not SingleFile: data.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(columns, names=['Country', 'Data']) # For each plant and each fallback key, try to find the corresponding column in the data out = pd.DataFrame(index=idx) for j in plants.index: warning = True if not RestrictWarning is None: warning = False if plants.loc[j,'Technology'] in RestrictWarning: warning=True u = plants.loc[j,'Unit'] found = False for i,key in enumerate(fallbacks): if SingleFile: header = plants.loc[j,key] else: header = (plants.loc[j,'Zone'],plants.loc[j,key]) if header in data: out[u] = data[header] found = True if i > 0 and warning: logging.warning('No specific information was found for unit ' + u + ' in table ' + tablename + '. The generic information for ' + str(header) + ' has been used') break if not found: if warning:'No specific information was found for unit ' + u + ' in table ' + tablename + '. Using default value ' + str(default)) if not default is None: out[u] = default if not out.columns.is_unique: logging.error('The column headers of table "' + tablename + '" are not unique!. The following headers are duplicated: ' + str(out.columns.get_duplicates())) sys.exit(1) return out
[docs]def merge_series(plants, data, mapping, method='WeightedAverage', tablename=''): """ Function that merges the times series corresponding to the merged units (e.g. outages, inflows, etc.) :param plants: Pandas dataframe with the information relative to the original units :param data: Pandas dataframe with the time series and the original unit names as column header :param mapping: Mapping between the merged units and the original units. Output of the clustering function :param method: Select the merging method ('WeightedAverage'/'Sum') :param tablename: Name of the table being processed (e.g. 'Outages'), used in the warnings :return merged: Pandas dataframe with the merged time series when necessary """ # backward compatibility: if not "Nunits" in plants: plants['Nunits'] = 1 plants.index = range(len(plants)) merged = pd.DataFrame(index=data.index) unitnames = plants.Unit.values.tolist() # First check the data: if not isinstance(data,pd.DataFrame): logging.error('The input "' + tablename + '" to the merge_series function must be a dataframe') sys.exit(1) for key in data: if str(data[key].dtype) not in ['bool','int','float','float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'float128','int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64']: logging.critical('The column "' + str(key) + '" of table + "' + tablename + '" is not numeric!') for key in data: if key in unitnames: i = unitnames.index(key) newunit = mapping['NewIndex'][i] if newunit not in merged: # if the columns name is in the mapping and the new unit has not been processed yet oldindexes = mapping['FormerIndexes'][newunit] oldnames = [plants['Unit'][x] for x in oldindexes] if all([name in data for name in oldnames]): subunits = data[oldnames] else: for name in oldnames: if name not in data: logging.critical('The column "' + name + '" is required for the aggregation of unit "' + key + '", but it has not been found in the input data') sys.exit(1) value = np.zeros(len(data)) # Renaming the subunits df headers with the old plant indexes instead of the unit names: subunits.columns = mapping['FormerIndexes'][newunit] if method == 'WeightedAverage': for idx in oldindexes: name = plants['Unit'][idx] value = value + subunits[idx] * np.maximum(1e-9, plants['PowerCapacity'][idx]*plants['Nunits'][idx]) P_j = np.sum(np.maximum(1e-9, plants['PowerCapacity'][oldindexes]*plants['Nunits'][oldindexes])) merged[newunit] = value / P_j elif method == 'Sum': merged[newunit] = subunits.sum(axis=1) else: logging.critical('Method "' + str(method) + '" unknown in function MergeSeries') sys.exit(1) elif key in plants['Unit']: if not isinstance(key, tuple): # if the columns header is a tuple, it does not come from the data and has been added by Dispa-SET logging.warning('Column ' + str(key) + ' present in the table "' + tablename + '" not found in the mapping between original and clustered units. Skipping') else: if not isinstance(key, tuple): # if the columns header is a tuple, it does not come from the data and has been added by Dispa-SET logging.warning('Column ' + str(key) + ' present in the table "' + tablename + '" not found in the table of power plants. Skipping') return merged
[docs]def define_parameter(sets_in, sets, value=0): """ Function to define a DispaSET parameter and fill it with a constant value :param sets_in: List with the labels of the sets corresponding to the parameter :param sets: dictionary containing the definition of all the sets (must comprise those referenced in sets_in) :param value: Default value to attribute to the parameter """ if value == 'bool': values = np.zeros([len(sets[setx]) for setx in sets_in], dtype='bool') elif value == 0: values = np.zeros([len(sets[setx]) for setx in sets_in]) elif value == 1: values = np.ones([len(sets[setx]) for setx in sets_in]) else: values = np.ones([len(sets[setx]) for setx in sets_in]) * value return {'sets': sets_in, 'val': values}
[docs]def invert_dic_df(dic,tablename=''): """ Function that takes as input a dictionary of dataframes, and inverts the key of the dictionary with the columns headers of the dataframes :param dic: dictionary of dataframes, with the same columns headers and the same index :param tablename: string with the name of the table being processed (for the error msg) :returns: dictionary of dataframes, with swapped headers """ # keys are defined as the keys of the original dictionary, cols are the columns of the original dataframe # items are the keys of the output dictionary, i.e. the columns of the original dataframe dic_out = {} # First, check that all indexes have the same length: index = dic[dic.keys()[0]].index for key in dic: if len(dic[key].index) != len(index): logging.error('The indexes of the data tables "' + tablename + '" are not equal in all the files') sys.exit(1) # Then put the data in a panda Panel with minor orientation: panel = pd.Panel.fromDict(dic, orient='minor') # Display a warning if some items are missing in the original data: for item in panel.items: for key in dic.keys(): if item not in dic[key].columns: logging.warning('The column "' + item + '" is not present in "' + key + '" for the "' + tablename + '" data. Zero will be assumed') dic_out[item] = panel[item].fillna(0) return dic_out
[docs]def write_to_excel(xls_out, list_vars): """ Function that reads all the variables (in list_vars) and inserts them one by one to excel :param xls_out: The path of the folder where the excel files are to be written :param list_vars: List containing the dispaset variables :returns: Binary variable (True) """ reload_module(sys) try: # Hack needed in 2.7 sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") except: pass if not os.path.exists(xls_out): os.mkdir(xls_out) # Printing all sets in one sheet: writer = pd.ExcelWriter(os.path.join(xls_out, 'InputDispa-SET - Sets.xlsx'), engine='xlsxwriter') [sets, parameters] = list_vars try: config = parameters['Config']['val'] first_day = pd.datetime(config[0, 0], config[0, 1], config[0, 2], 0) last_day = pd.datetime(config[1, 0], config[1, 1], config[1, 2], 23) dates = pd.date_range(start=first_day, end=last_day, freq='1h') except: dates = [] i = 0 for s in sets: df = pd.DataFrame(sets[s], columns=[s]) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sets', startrow=1, startcol=i, header=True, index=False) i += 1'All sets successfully written to excel') # Printing each parameter in a separate sheet and workbook: for p in parameters: var = parameters[p] dim = len(var['sets']) if var['sets'][-1] == 'h' and isinstance(dates, pd.DatetimeIndex) and dim > 1: if len(dates) != var['val'].shape[-1]: logging.critical('The date range in the Config variable (' + str( len(dates)) + ' time steps) does not match the length of the time index (' + str( var['val'].shape[-1]) + ') for variable ' + p) sys.exit(1) var['firstrow'] = 5 else: var['firstrow'] = 1 writer = pd.ExcelWriter(os.path.join(xls_out, 'InputDispa-SET - ' + p + '.xlsx'), engine='xlsxwriter') if dim == 1: df = pd.DataFrame(var['val'], columns=[p], index=sets[var['sets'][0]]) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=p, startrow=var['firstrow'], startcol=0, header=True, index=True) worksheet = writer.sheets[p] worksheet.write_string(0, 0, p + '(' + var['sets'][0] + ')') worksheet.set_column(0, 0, 30) elif dim == 2: list_sets = [sets[var['sets'][0]], sets[var['sets'][1]]] values = var['val'] df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=list_sets[1], index=list_sets[0]) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=p, startrow=var['firstrow'], startcol=0, header=True, index=True) worksheet = writer.sheets[p] if var['firstrow'] == 5: worksheet.write_row(1, 1, dates.year) worksheet.write_row(2, 1, dates.month) worksheet.write_row(3, 1, worksheet.write_row(4, 1, dates.hour + 1) worksheet.write_string(0, 0, p + '(' + var['sets'][0] + ',' + var['sets'][1] + ')') worksheet.freeze_panes(var['firstrow'] + 1, 1) worksheet.set_column(0, 0, 30) elif dim == 3: list_sets = [sets[var['sets'][0]], sets[var['sets'][1]], sets[var['sets'][2]]] values = var['val'] for i in range(len(list_sets[0])): key = list_sets[0][i] Nrows = len(list_sets[1]) df = pd.DataFrame(values[i, :, :], columns=list_sets[2], index=list_sets[1]) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=p, startrow=var['firstrow'] + 1 + i * Nrows, startcol=1, header=False, index=True) df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.array([key]).repeat(Nrows)) df2.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=p, startrow=var['firstrow'] + 1 + i * Nrows, startcol=0, header=False, index=False) worksheet = writer.sheets[p] if var['firstrow'] == 5: worksheet.write_row(1, 2, dates.year) worksheet.write_row(2, 2, dates.month) worksheet.write_row(3, 2, worksheet.write_row(4, 2, dates.hour + 1) worksheet.write_string(0, 0, p + '(' + var['sets'][0] + ',' + var['sets'][1] + ',' + var['sets'][2] + ')') worksheet.write_string(var['firstrow'] - 1, 0, var['sets'][0]) worksheet.write_string(var['firstrow'] - 1, 1, var['sets'][1]) worksheet.freeze_panes(var['firstrow'], 2) worksheet.set_column(0, 1, 30) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list_sets[2]) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=p, startrow=var['firstrow'], startcol=2, header=True, index=False) else: logging.error('Only three dimensions currently supported. Parameter ' + p + ' has ' + str(dim) + ' dimensions.')'Parameter ' + p + ' successfully written to excel') # Writing a gams file to process the excel sheets: gmsfile = open(os.path.join(xls_out, 'make_gdx.gms'), 'w') i = 0 for s in sets: gmsfile.write('\n') gmsfile.write('$CALL GDXXRW "InputDispa-SET - Sets.xlsx" Set=' + s + ' rng=' + chr( i + ord('A')) + '3 Rdim=1 O=' + s + '.gdx \n') gmsfile.write('$GDXIN ' + s + '.gdx \n') gmsfile.write('Set ' + s + '; \n') gmsfile.write('$LOAD ' + s + '\n') gmsfile.write('$GDXIN \n') i = i + 1 for p in parameters: var = parameters[p] dim = len(var['sets']) gmsfile.write('\n') if dim == 1: gmsfile.write('$CALL GDXXRW "InputDispa-SET - ' + p + '.xlsx" par=' + p + ' rng=A' + str( var['firstrow'] + 1) + ' Rdim=1 \n') elif dim == 2: gmsfile.write('$CALL GDXXRW "InputDispa-SET - ' + p + '.xlsx" par=' + p + ' rng=A' + str( var['firstrow'] + 1) + ' Rdim=1 Cdim=1 \n') elif dim == 3: gmsfile.write('$CALL GDXXRW "InputDispa-SET - ' + p + '.xlsx" par=' + p + ' rng=A' + str( var['firstrow'] + 1) + ' Rdim=2 Cdim=1 \n') gmsfile.write('$GDXIN "InputDispa-SET - ' + p + '.gdx" \n') gmsfile.write('Parameter ' + p + '; \n') gmsfile.write('$LOAD ' + p + '\n') gmsfile.write('$GDXIN \n') gmsfile.write('\n') gmsfile.write('Execute_Unload "Inputs.gdx"') gmsfile.close()'Data Successfully written to the ' + xls_out + ' directory.')
[docs]def load_csv(filename, TempPath='.pickle', header=0, skiprows=None, skipfooter=0, index_col=None, parse_dates=False): """ Function that loads acsv sheet into a dataframe and saves a temporary pickle version of it. If the pickle is newer than the sheet, do no load the sheet again. :param filename: path to csv file :param TempPath: path to store the temporary data files """ import hashlib m ='md5', filename.encode('utf-8')) resultfile_hash = m.hexdigest() filepath_pandas = TempPath + os.sep + resultfile_hash + '.p' if not os.path.isdir(TempPath): os.mkdir(TempPath) if not os.path.isfile(filepath_pandas): time_pd = 0 else: time_pd = os.path.getmtime(filepath_pandas) if os.path.getmtime(filename) > time_pd: data = pd.read_csv(filename, header=header, skiprows=skiprows, skipfooter=skipfooter, index_col=index_col, parse_dates=parse_dates) data.to_pickle(filepath_pandas) else: data = pd.read_pickle(filepath_pandas) return data
[docs]def load_config_excel(ConfigFile,AbsPath=True): """ Function that loads the DispaSET excel config file and returns a dictionary with the values :param ConfigFile: String with (relative) path to the DispaSET excel configuration file :param AbsPath: If true, relative paths are automatically changed into absolute paths (recommended) """ import xlrd wb = xlrd.open_workbook(filename=ConfigFile) # Option for csv to be added later sheet = wb.sheet_by_name('main') config = {} config['SimulationDirectory'] = sheet.cell_value(17, 2) config['WriteExcel'] = sheet.cell_value(18, 2) config['WriteGDX'] = sheet.cell_value(19, 2) config['WritePickle'] = sheet.cell_value(20, 2) config['GAMS_folder'] = sheet.cell_value(21, 2) config['cplex_path'] = sheet.cell_value(22, 2) config['StartDate'] = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(sheet.cell_value(30, 2), wb.datemode) config['StopDate'] = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(sheet.cell_value(31, 2), wb.datemode) config['HorizonLength'] = int(sheet.cell_value(32, 2)) config['LookAhead'] = int(sheet.cell_value(33, 2)) config['SimulationType'] = sheet.cell_value(46, 2) config['ReserveCalculation'] = sheet.cell_value(47, 2) config['AllowCurtailment'] = sheet.cell_value(48, 2) # List of parameters for which an external file path must be specified: params = ['Demand', 'Outages', 'PowerPlantData', 'RenewablesAF', 'LoadShedding', 'NTC', 'Interconnections', 'ReservoirScaledInflows', 'PriceOfNuclear', 'PriceOfBlackCoal', 'PriceOfGas', 'PriceOfFuelOil', 'PriceOfBiomass', 'PriceOfCO2', 'ReservoirLevels', 'PriceOfLignite', 'PriceOfPeat','HeatDemand', 'CostHeatSlack','CostLoadShedding'] for i, param in enumerate(params): config[param] = sheet.cell_value(61 + i, 2) if AbsPath: # Changing all relative paths to absolute paths. Relative paths must be defined # relative to the parent folder of the config file. abspath = os.path.abspath(ConfigFile) basefolder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(abspath),os.pardir)) if not os.path.isabs(config['SimulationDirectory']): config['SimulationDirectory'] = os.path.join(basefolder,config['SimulationDirectory']) for param in params: if not os.path.isabs(config[param]): config[param] = os.path.join(basefolder,config[param]) config['default'] = {} config['default']['PriceOfNuclear'] = sheet.cell_value(69, 5) config['default']['PriceOfBlackCoal'] = sheet.cell_value(70, 5) config['default']['PriceOfGas'] = sheet.cell_value(71, 5) config['default']['PriceOfFuelOil'] = sheet.cell_value(72, 5) config['default']['PriceOfBiomass'] = sheet.cell_value(73, 5) config['default']['PriceOfCO2'] = sheet.cell_value(74, 5) config['default']['PriceOfLignite'] = sheet.cell_value(76, 5) config['default']['PriceOfPeat'] = sheet.cell_value(77, 5) config['default']['LoadShedding'] = sheet.cell_value(65, 5) config['default']['CostHeatSlack'] = sheet.cell_value(79, 5) config['default']['CostLoadShedding'] = sheet.cell_value(80, 5) # read the list of countries to consider: def read_truefalse(sheet, rowstart, colstart, rowstop, colstop): """ Function that reads a two column format with a list of strings in the first columns and a list of true false in the second column The list of strings associated with a True value is returned """ out = [] for i in range(rowstart, rowstop): if sheet.cell_value(i, colstart + 1) == 1: out.append(sheet.cell_value(i, colstart)) return out config['countries'] = read_truefalse(sheet, 86, 1, 101, 3) config['countries'] = config['countries'] + read_truefalse(sheet, 86, 4, 102, 6) config['modifiers'] = {} config['modifiers']['Demand'] = sheet.cell_value(111, 2) config['modifiers']['Wind'] = sheet.cell_value(112, 2) config['modifiers']['Solar'] = sheet.cell_value(113, 2) config['modifiers']['Storage'] = sheet.cell_value(114, 2) # Read the technologies participating to reserve markets: config['ReserveParticipation'] = read_truefalse(sheet, 131, 1, 145, 3)"Using config file " + ConfigFile + " to build the simulation environment")"Using " + config['SimulationDirectory'] + " as simulation folder") return config
[docs]def load_config_yaml(filename,AbsPath=True): """ Loads YAML file to dictionary""" import yaml with open(filename, 'r') as f: try: config = yaml.load(f) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: logging.error('Cannot parse config file: {}'.format(filename)) raise exc # List of parameters for which an external file path must be specified: params = ['Demand', 'Outages', 'PowerPlantData', 'RenewablesAF', 'LoadShedding', 'NTC', 'Interconnections', 'ReservoirScaledInflows', 'PriceOfNuclear', 'PriceOfBlackCoal', 'PriceOfGas', 'PriceOfFuelOil', 'PriceOfBiomass', 'PriceOfCO2', 'ReservoirLevels', 'PriceOfLignite', 'PriceOfPeat','HeatDemand', 'CostHeatSlack','CostLoadShedding'] if AbsPath: # Changing all relative paths to absolute paths. Relative paths must be defined # relative to the parent folder of the config file. abspath = os.path.abspath(filename) basefolder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(abspath),os.pardir)) if not os.path.isabs(config['SimulationDirectory']): config['SimulationDirectory'] = os.path.join(basefolder,config['SimulationDirectory']) for param in params: if not os.path.isabs(config[param]): config[param] = os.path.join(basefolder,config[param]) return config
[docs]def export_yaml_config(ExcelFile,YAMLFile): """ Function that loads the DispaSET excel config file and dumps it as a yaml file. :param ExcelFile: Path to the Excel config file :param YAMLFile: Path to the YAML config file to be written """ import yaml config = load_config_excel(ExcelFile,AbsPath=False) with open(YAMLFile, 'w') as outfile: yaml.dump(config, outfile, default_flow_style=False) return True