Source code for dispaset.preprocessing.preprocessing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is the main file of the DispaSET pre-processing tool.
It comprises a single function that generates the DispaSET simulation environment.

@author: S. Quoilin
import datetime as dt
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .build import build_single_run
from .utils import pd_timestep
from ..common import commons
from ..misc.gdx_handler import gdx_to_dataframe, gdx_to_list
from ..postprocessing.data_handler import GAMSstatus
from ..solve import solve_GAMS

[docs]def build_simulation(config, mts_plot=None, MTSTimeStep=24): """ A function that builds different simulation environments based on the hydro scheduling option in the config file Hydro scheduling options: Off - Hydro scheduling turned off, normal call of BuildSimulation function Zonal - Zonal variation of hydro scheduling, if zones are not individually specified in a list (e.a. zones = ['AT','DE']) hydro scheduling is imposed on all active zones from the Config file Regional - Regional variation of hydro scheduling, if zones from a specific region are not individually specified in a list (e.a. zones = ['AT','DE']), hydro scheduling is imposed on all active zones from the Config file simultaneously :param config: Read config file :param mts_plot: If ms_plot = True indicative plot with temporary computed reservoir levels is displayed :param MTSTimeStep: Run the mid-term scheduling with a different (to speed things up). If unspecified, the old MTS formulation is used :return SimData: Simulation data for unit-commitment module """ # Check existance of hydro scheduling module in the config file hydro_flag = config.get('HydroScheduling', "") # If key does not exist it returns "" if (hydro_flag == "") or (hydro_flag == "Off"):'Simulation without mid therm scheduling') SimData = build_single_run(config) else: if config['H2FlexibleDemand'] != '': [new_profiles, new_PtLDemand] = mid_term_scheduling(config, mts_plot=mts_plot, TimeStep=MTSTimeStep) # Build simulation data with new profiles'\n\nBuilding final simulation\n') SimData = build_single_run(config, new_profiles, new_PtLDemand) else: new_profiles = mid_term_scheduling(config, mts_plot=mts_plot, TimeStep=MTSTimeStep) # Build simulation data with new profiles'\n\nBuilding final simulation\n') SimData = build_single_run(config, new_profiles) # Copy the log to the simulation folder: if os.path.isfile(commons['logfile']): shutil.copy(commons['logfile'], os.path.join(config['SimulationDirectory'], commons['logfile'])) else: logging.error('Could not find log file in current directory') return SimData
def _check_results(results): """ Function that checks the gams status in the results """ if "model" in results['status']: errors = results['status'][(results['status']['model'] != 1) & (results['status']['model'] != 8)] if len(errors) > 0: logging.critical('Some simulation errors were encountered when running the regional MTS. ' 'Some results could not be computed, for example at time ' + str(errors.index[0]) + ', with the error message: "' + GAMSstatus('model', errors['model'].iloc[0]) + '"') for i in errors.index: errors.loc[i, 'Error Message'] = GAMSstatus('model', errors['model'][i]) sys.exit(1) return True
[docs]def mid_term_scheduling(config, TimeStep=None, mts_plot=None): """ This function reads the DispaSET config file, searches for active zones, loads data for each zone individually and solves model using UCM_h_simple.gms :param config: Read config file :param TimeStep: Time step (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24) number of hours to be considered at once. :param mts_plot: If ms_plot = True indicative plot with temporary computed reservoir levels is displayed :return profiles: Newly computed profile levels """ # Day/hour corresponding to the first and last days of the simulation: # Note that the first available data corresponds to 2015.01.31 (23.00) and the # last day with data is 2015.12.31 (22.00) import pickle y_start, m_start, d_start, __, __, __ = config['StartDate'] y_end, m_end, d_end, _, _, _ = config['StopDate'] config['StopDate'] = (y_end, m_end, d_end, 23, 59, 00) # updating stopdate to the end of the day config['idx'] = pd.date_range(start=dt.datetime(*config['StartDate']), end=dt.datetime(*config['StopDate']), freq=commons['TimeStep']).tz_localize(None) # Indexes including the last look-ahead period enddate_long = config['idx'][-1] + dt.timedelta(days=config['LookAhead']) idx_long = pd.date_range(start=config['idx'][0], end=enddate_long, freq=commons['TimeStep']) # New configuration dictionary, specific to MTS: temp_config = dict(config) # Dates for the mid term scheduling if config['HydroSchedulingHorizon'] == 'Annual': temp_config['StartDate'] = (y_start, 1, 1, 00, 00, 00) # updating start date to the beginning of the year temp_config['StopDate'] = (y_start, 12, 31, 23, 59, 00) # updating stopdate to the end of the year'Hydro scheduling is performed for the period between 01.01.' + str(y_start) + ' and 12.31.' + str(y_start)) else:'Hydro scheduling is performed between Start and Stop dates!') # Indexes with the original time step: idx_orig = pd.date_range(start=dt.datetime(*config['StartDate']), end=dt.datetime(*config['StopDate']), freq=pd_timestep(config['SimulationTimeStep'])).tz_localize(None) if config['mts_zones'] is None: temp_config['mts_zones'] = config['zones']'MTS Simulation with all zones selected') else: temp_config['zones'] = config['mts_zones'] # remove look ahead: temp_config['LookAhead'] = 0 # Don't use any historical reservoir level: if config['InitialFinalReservoirLevel'] != 0: temp_config['ReservoirLevels'] = '' # use a LP formulation temp_config['SimulationType'] = 'LP clustered' # Adjust time step: if TimeStep is not None: # Indexes of the MTS simulation: idx = pd.date_range(start=dt.datetime(*temp_config['StartDate']), end=dt.datetime(*temp_config['StopDate']), freq=pd_timestep(TimeStep)).tz_localize(None) temp_config['SimulationTimeStep'] = TimeStep gams_file = 'UCM_h.gms' temp_config['HorizonLength'] = (idx[-1] - idx[0]).days + 1 resultfile = 'Results.gdx' else: idx = pd.date_range(start=dt.datetime(*temp_config['StartDate']), end=dt.datetime(*temp_config['StopDate']), freq=pd_timestep(temp_config['SimulationTimeStep'])).tz_localize(None) gams_file = 'UCM_h_simple.gms' resultfile = 'Results_simple.gdx' # Checking which type of hydro scheduling simulation is specified in the config file: if config['HydroScheduling'] == 'Zonal': no_of_zones = len(config['mts_zones']) temp_results = {} profiles = pd.DataFrame(index=idx) PtLDemand = pd.DataFrame(index=idx) for i, c in enumerate(config['mts_zones']): '\n\nLaunching Mid-Term Scheduling for zone ' + c + ' (Number ' + str(i + 1) + ' out of ' + str( no_of_zones) + ')\n') temp_config['zones'] = [c] # Override zone that needs to be simulated SimData = build_single_run(temp_config, MTS=1) # Create temporary SimData units = SimData['units'] r = solve_GAMS(sim_folder=temp_config['SimulationDirectory'], gams_folder=temp_config['GAMS_folder'], gams_file=gams_file, result_file=resultfile) temp_results[c] = gdx_to_dataframe( gdx_to_list(config['GAMS_folder'], config['SimulationDirectory'] + '/' + resultfile, varname='all', verbose=True), fixindex=True, verbose=True) _check_results(temp_results[c]) if 'OutputStorageLevel' not in temp_results[c]: logging.critical('Storage levels in zone ' + c + ' were not computed, please check that storage units ' 'are present in the ' + c + ' power plant database! If not, unselect ' + c + ' form the zones in the MTS module') sys.exit(0) elif len(temp_results[c]['OutputStorageLevel']) > len(idx): logging.critical('The number of time steps in the mid-term simulation results (' + str( len(temp_results[c]['OutputStorageLevel'])) + ') does not match the length of the index (' + str(len(idx)) + ')') sys.exit(0) elif len(temp_results[c]['OutputStorageLevel']) < len(idx): temp_results[c]['OutputStorageLevel'] = temp_results[c]['OutputStorageLevel'].reindex( range(1, len(idx) + 1)).fillna(0).values for u in temp_results[c]['OutputStorageLevel']: if u not in units.index: logging.critical('Unit "' + u + '" is reported in the reservoir levels of the result file but ' 'does not appear in the units table') sys.exit(1) for u_old in units.loc[u, 'FormerUnits']: profiles[u_old] = temp_results[c]['OutputStorageLevel'][u].values if config['H2FlexibleDemand'] != '': if 'OutputPtLDemand' not in temp_results[c]: logging.critical('PtL demand in zone ' + c + ' was not computed') sys.exit(0) elif len(temp_results[c]['OutputPtLDemand']) > len(idx): logging.critical('The number of time steps in the mid-term simulation results (' + str( len(temp_results[c]['OutputPtLDemand'])) + ') does not match the length of the index (' + str(len(idx)) + ')') sys.exit(0) elif len(temp_results[c]['OutputPtLDemand']) < len(idx): temp_results[c]['OutputPtLDemand'] = temp_results[c]['OutputPtLDemand'].reindex( range(1, len(idx) + 1)).fillna(0) # for u in temp_results[c]['OutputPtLDemand']: # if u not in units.index: # logging.critical('Unit "' + u + '" is reported in the PtL demand of the result file but ' # 'does not appear in the units table') # sys.exit(1) # for u_old in units.loc[u, 'FormerUnits']: # PtLDemand[u_old] = temp_results[c]['OutputPtLDemand'][u].values # Solving reservoir levels for all regions simultaneously elif config['HydroScheduling'] == 'Regional':'\n\nLaunching regional Mid-Term Scheduling \n') SimData = build_single_run(temp_config, MTS=1) # Create temporary SimData units = SimData['units'] r = solve_GAMS(sim_folder=temp_config['SimulationDirectory'], gams_folder=temp_config['GAMS_folder'], gams_file=gams_file, result_file=resultfile) temp_results = gdx_to_dataframe( gdx_to_list(config['GAMS_folder'], config['SimulationDirectory'] + '/' + resultfile, varname='all', verbose=True), fixindex=True, verbose=True) _check_results(temp_results) if 'OutputStorageLevel' not in temp_results: logging.critical('Storage levels in the selected region were not computed, please check that storage units ' 'are present in the power plant database! If not, unselect zones with no storage units ' 'form the zones in the MTS module') sys.exit(0) if len(temp_results['OutputStorageLevel']) < len(idx): profiles = temp_results['OutputStorageLevel'].reindex(range(1, len(idx) + 1)).fillna(0).set_index(idx) else: profiles = temp_results['OutputStorageLevel'].set_index(idx) if config['H2FlexibleDemand'] != '': if 'OutputPtLDemand' not in temp_results: logging.critical('PtL Demand in the selected region was not computed') sys.exit(0) if len(temp_results['OutputPtLDemand']) < len(idx): PtLDemand = temp_results['OutputPtLDemand'].reindex(range(1, len(idx) + 1)).fillna(0).set_index(idx) else: PtLDemand = temp_results['OutputPtLDemand'].set_index(idx) # Updating the profiles table with the original unit names: for u in profiles: if u not in units.index: logging.critical('Unit "' + u + '" is reported in the reservoir levels of the result file but ' 'does not appear in the units table') sys.exit(1) for u_old in units.loc[u, 'FormerUnits']: profiles[u_old] = profiles[u] profiles.drop(u, axis=1, inplace=True) # if config['H2FlexibleDemand'] != '': # for u in PtLDemand: # if u not in units.index: # logging.critical('Unit "' + u + '" is reported in the PtL demand of the result file but ' # 'does not appear in the units table') # sys.exit(1) # # TODO: check if else statement should be used here, if its not everything currently in the else # # statement is never used # else: # for u_old in units.loc[u, 'FormerUnits']: # PtLDemand[u_old] = PtLDemand[u] # PtLDemand.drop(u, axis=1, inplace=True) else: logging.error('HydroScheduling parameter should be either "Regional" or "Zonal" (case sensitive). ') sys.exit() # replace all 1.000000e+300 values by nan since they correspond to undefined in GAMS: profiles[profiles >= 1E300] = np.nan if config['H2FlexibleDemand'] != '': PtLDemand[PtLDemand >= 1E300] = np.nan if mts_plot: profiles.plot() # Copy results from pre-processing sim_folder = config['SimulationDirectory'] shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(sim_folder, 'Results.gdx'), os.path.join(sim_folder, 'Results_MTS.gdx')) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(sim_folder, 'Inputs.gdx'), os.path.join(sim_folder, 'Inputs_MTS.gdx')) # Re-index to the main simulation time step: if config['SimulationTimeStep'] != temp_config['SimulationTimeStep']: profiles = profiles.reindex(idx_long, method='nearest') temp_config['StartDate'] = (y_start, 1, 1, 00, 00, 00) # updating start date to the beginning of the year temp_config['StopDate'] = (y_start + 1, 1, 2, 00, 59, 00) idx_tmp = pd.date_range(start=dt.datetime(*temp_config['StartDate']), end=dt.datetime(*temp_config['StopDate']), freq=pd_timestep(TimeStep)).tz_localize(None) if config['H2FlexibleDemand'] != '': PtLDemand = pd.DataFrame(PtLDemand, index=idx_tmp).fillna(0) PtLDemand = PtLDemand.resample(pd_timestep(config['SimulationTimeStep'])).ffill() PtLDemand = PtLDemand.loc[idx_long, :] pickle.dump(profiles, open(os.path.join(config['SimulationDirectory'], "temp_profiles.p"), "wb")) if config['H2FlexibleDemand'] != '': return profiles, PtLDemand else: return profiles